PRIMAL Vengeance (3)

Read Online PRIMAL Vengeance (3) by Jack Silkstone - Free Book Online

Book: PRIMAL Vengeance (3) by Jack Silkstone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack Silkstone
Aden Bishop. A little boy that doesn't want to share his toys with anyone else."
           He pretended to sulk and Saneh straddled him on the sun bed. She leaned forward and kissed him gently. "It's OK, little boy. I only have eyes for you… for now."
           Bishop's hands slid up the side of her body and around her back until they reached the latch of her bra. With a flick he unsnapped it and the bra dropped from her chest. He took a second to fully appreciate her ample breasts before pulling her even closer to him, kissing her passionately.
           The embrace was interrupted by the buzzing of a pager.
           "Are you shitting me?" Bishop said as Saneh reached across and grabbed the communication device from the side table.
           "You've been recalled to the bunker."
           "Now? That'd be right."
           Saneh jumped off him, scooping up her bra and slipping it back over her shoulders. She cringed as she slid the filthy cargo pants over her legs and gathered up the rest of her gear. Bishop was already inside the hut grabbing his own kit. He reappeared dressed in a t-shirt and carrying a shoulder bag.
           "Here, wear this. Yours stinks." He threw her a spare t-shirt and proceeded to stuff her wet gear into the duffel bag.
           "What do you think is going on?" Saneh asked as she laced her boots.
           Bishop folded the stock on the ARX and strapped the shortened rifle to the side of his duffel bag. "Not sure, but if I had to guess I'd say it's got to do with the Sudan."
           The two grabbed their bags and started off down a track that led from the huts to an open-sided vehicle shed.
           "Mirza's been keeping an eye on the situation. Both he and Chua think its getting worse."
           Bishop's partner had already been moved to Abu Dhabi where he could be closer to the action should intervention be required.
           They reached the shed and threw their gear into the back of Bishop's ATV. Saneh swung into the driver's seat and started the engine.
           Bishop stood next to the powerful buggy with his hands on his hips. "Is that so…?"
           "It certainly is, lover boy. Now get in and I'll show you how it's done."
           Saneh raced the ATV down a short track before they hit the beach. Once the tires hit the sand she unleashed the 1000 cc engine. Sand rooster tailed off the back tires as they rocketed down the beach, heading back towards the airfield.

Chapter 10
    PRIMAL HQ, Lascar Island
           Saneh slowed the ATV as they left the beach and bounced onto the apron of Lascar Island's single runway. Checking for aircraft, she accelerated across the tarmac and into one of the two hangars cut into the side of the extinct volcano that towered over the airfield.
           An abandoned Japanese World War Two base, the island now masqueraded as a maintenance and refuelling depot for Lascar Logistics, an international air freight company owned by the founder of PRIMAL. It was here, thousands of miles from any prying eyes, that PRIMAL staged its operations.
           The irony of a covert organization basing itself on an abandoned island with its headquarters deep within the bowels of an extinct volcano was lost on Saneh. Growing up in Iran she had missed out on Bond villains and the Thunderbirds TV series. To her the concept made sense. Where else in the world could PRIMAL hide without being exposed?
           They entered the hangar and drove under the wing of a Lascar cargo aircraft, stopping for a moment at the back wall. There was a whir of electric motors and two portions of the wall separated, wide enough for the buggy to enter.
           On the other side of the doors was a vast cavern the size of a football field. Carved from volcanic rock it once housed Japanese bombers. Now it was the home of PRIMAL's own fleet of aircraft. Present in the hangar was a heavily

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