Powder Blu

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Book: Powder Blu by Brandi Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brandi Johnson
as fuck with his fresh fade, a crispy white T with the crispy all-white Air Max to match and his Levi 505s saggin’ just right. Sierra was right; he must have been working out while he was in the county locked up ’cause the sleeves of his shirt was tightly hugging his guns.
    â€œWhat’s up, sis?” he said, wrapping his arms around me.
    Nikki rolled her eyes and smacked her lips as Budz hugged me. For the life of me, I didn’t know what was wrong with her. She was okay before I left the house earlier but anything could have happened while I was gone giving her an attitude. Knowing her it was something minor. She hopped off the pool table and stomped up the basement stairs with a straight attitude.
    â€œHow you been?” he asked, looking me up and down.
    â€œI been good,” I replied with a smile.
    â€œI heard,” he said.
    â€œHeard what?” I asked, hoping he hadn’t heard about any of the shit I’d been out here doing in these streets. If so, I know my chances of ever being with him was shot to hell.
    â€œCome on, nigga, and shoot the dice,” one of his niggas said before he could reply.
    â€œWe’ll talk.” He winked before turning to walk away to finish his game, sending my pound puppy into a straight frenzy.
    For the next two weeks I didn’t know what had gotten into Nikki. She had started acting real funny toward me. It was like she was on her period every day; it had gotten to the point to where it was uncomfortable staying at her house. She would walk around for days without speaking to me. I tried to figure out what I had done to her and came up empty. I even asked Sierra to see if she had a clue. Sierra assured me she had been emotionally unstable ever since she decided to have that abortion at almost four months pregnant and children services taking her kids and giving her mother temporary custody until Nikki got her shit together. I guessed that would mentally fuck a person up, but she didn’t have to take it out on me. Not being able to take it anymore I went to my momma’s house and begged her to let me come back home. She was dead set against it at first. Telling me the only way she would let me come back was if I promised to abide by all her dumb-ass rules or else she was gon’ throw me out again, but this time for good. I agreed, even though I didn’t want to. After listening to her continue to bitch about my promiscuous ways and my smart-ass mouth, I realized that there was no place like home.

Chapter 9
    Prison Blues Part II
    I didn’t think I would be missing the streets this damn bad; I’d only been on lock a few months. I was tired of the same old routine day after day. Playing cards or dominoes for Little Debbies, talking on the phone to my tired-ass baby mommas, going to rec to work out, chow, and reading my Bible was really getting old. Every now and then I would see some excitement when a nigga was getting his gravy knocked out his biscuit with a lock in a sock or getting shanked; other than that the atmosphere around this bitch was monotonous.
    One day while getting dressed for my visit, I looked out my cell and saw a line of new inmates coming into the block with their property. I was hoping like hell I wasn’t getting a new cellie. Every nigga they put in here with me always ended up checking into PC for different reasons, either owing a nigga money, trying to protect his ass, or just plain scared. It didn’t matter to me why they left. I was glad they did. Just as I got finished getting dressed and was about ready to walk out of my cell, my new cellie came walking in the door.
    Damn, just when I was getting used to being by myself, I thought as I sized him up. He did the same to me. He was an older cat with thick-ass glasses. He was big as hell; I could tell this nigga lifted mad weights. I already had it made up in my mind that if he got out of line I couldn’t fight him head up. I

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