Planet Mail

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Book: Planet Mail by Kate Pearce Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Pearce
vibrators are.” He risked a smile at her. “But I can easily appreciate that lacking me in your bed might drive you crazy.”
    “You are such a conceited…bastard.” She threw his tunic at him. He caught it in one hand. It occurred to him that she challenged him in a way no other woman of his world ever would. Despite her short stature, every inch of her radiated defiance.
    He dropped the tunic on the floor. “The solution to your problem is easy. Come to bed with me. I promise to keep you well pleasured until you have no thoughts of running away again.”
    She sighed. “I wasn’t planning on leaving tonight. I just wanted to make sure I had an escape route if I needed one.”
    He unclasped his cloak and drew his tunic over his head. Her eyes widened as they fastened on his erection. He ran his fingers over his shaft and gently squeezed. “Ah, so tonight was more of a scouting expedition.” For some reason, her words lessened the pain that had settled in his gut when he believed she intended to run.
    “I didn’t mean to cause all this fuss or put anyone’s life in danger.”
    He held her gaze. “The only life in danger was your own. Perhaps you should pay for what you have done.”
    She raised her chin a notch. “Are you going to lock me in a dungeon and throw away the key?”
    He walked toward her, blood pooling in his groin, desire warming his belly. Up close, he registered the depth of her reaction to the violence she had witnessed, the fine trembling of her limbs, the fear in her eyes. “I have a much better way to deal with you than that. What is that old Earth saying? ‘Make the punishment fit the crime’?”
    She swallowed hard as he halted in front of her. “I am truly sorry for behaving like an idiot but you have put me in a difficult position.”
    He touched her cheek, rubbed his thumb over her generous lower lip. “Your position is not difficult, consort. You are the one who makes it so.” With one hand he captured her wrists in the small of her back. His cock brushed the fabric of her borrowed tunic. He drew the dagger tucked under the narrow leather strap at the top of his thigh and slit her tunic from top to bottom.
    She shivered as the rough cloth fell away to reveal her breasts. His shaft rubbed against her belly, the crown almost between her breasts. Instinct shouted at him to reclaim her and calm her fears in the most basic way possible but he knew she wasn’t ready to respond to him yet.
    “If you will not accept my seed, perhaps I will pleasure myself instead.”
    He picked her up and dumped her in the center of his bed. As she struggled to right herself, he sat cross-legged, his back to the headboard. He placed his hands around her waist and drew her to sit across his knees facing him, her legs spread wide, giving him an intimate view of her pussy.
    He waited until she regained her balance before he removed his hands. “Tell me what a condom is.”
    Douglass stared at him, her blue eyes wary. “Are you kidding me?”
    He shrugged. “If by that do you mean am I joking, I am not. Why would this thing relieve your sexual tensions?”
    “It’s a form of protection against fertilization. A man sprays his penis with a fast -setting synthetic foam or uses a ready-made sheath to cover him completely so that when he ejaculates, the sperm cannot escape.”
    Marcus stroked his cock with one finger. “This foam works?”
    Douglass watched the slow glide of his finger. “In most cases it does. Occasionally it might tear but that’s rare these days.”
    “Why would a man not wish to fertilize his woman?”
    “Because on Earth, some people have sex without staying together and making a family and other people have sex just for fun.”
    He concentrated on massaging his cock and tried to imagine it encased in plastic. He shuddered at the thought. “But sex has a deeper meaning than mere pleasure. It ensures the procreation of the species. It is in everyone’s best interest if a couple

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