Pioneer Love: Damaged Hearts Head West: Mail Order Bride 5 Bundle
flowers or the catering with the cook all the time telling Jolene how wonderful Ian was. Jo had taken to finishing her sentences. Anna would start on a tale about something wonderful. Like how Ian had rescued her from a rattlesnake and just as she was about to reveal it was Ian, Jo would laugh and say “Ian Gellman is truly an amazing man. Then they would both fall about laughing. Still Jo would not talk about Jonathan no matter how hard Anna tried. She kept meaning to take her friend aside and ask her what the problem was but Jo seemed to know when to avoid her.
    One day they were coming through the kitchen together. Anna grabbed Jolene’s arm. “Come to the library and tell me all about Jonathan.”
    Jolene had pulled her arm away and winced at the touch.
    “What is it?” Anna asked as they entered the hallway. “Are you hurt?” Quickly she had pulled back Jolene’s dress. There was a nasty yellow bruise on her arm. It was old and almost healed, but it looked bad. “What happened?” Anna asked her heart filled with sorrow and fear for her friend.
    “It was nothing,” Jolene said. “I fell out of the stagecoach one night. I was just so tired.”
    Anna searched her friends face. Was she lying? It was funny Jolene had always been able to tell when she was lying, but she was never very good at it. “Are you sure?” she asked. “If you are in trouble I can help… I want to help.”
    Jolene laughed her good hearty laugh. “What trouble could I be in?” she asked.
    With a bad feeling, Anna nodded and let it go. Jolene was right, how could she ever be in any trouble? After all, everyone loved her.
    Anna’s father arrived the day before the wedding. She was so excited to see him that she forgot all about Jolene’s bruises and any trouble she may be in. They hugged and talked and hugged some more. If only her father could move West things would be even more perfect.

    Finally, the grand day came when Anna and Ian were to be wed. Anna woke early and found Jolene was already having breakfast.
    “Come let’s make you the most beautiful bride ever,” Jolene said after they had eaten.
    With a squeal of delight, Anna took her to her room. This would be the last night she would spend alone. Tonight she would sleep in a different room with her love. Her stomach was a knot of both delight and worry but what about Jolene. Her eyes were bloodshot and there were dark bags beneath them. “Did you sleep alright?” she asked.
    “I’m just so excited for you,” Jo said. “Now come let’s get you ready.”
    Soon she was in her big, white, lacy dress. It was so beautiful and she felt like a princess. Jolene took her arm and led her through the boarding house. All the staff was stood at the front door where her father waited with a carriage. There were shouts and cries of encouragement as she passed. How quickly this had become home and how wonderful it felt to be coming back as Mrs. Gellman.

    Soon she walked down the aisle, in a beautiful, frilly, white dress, attached to her father's arm. She was ecstatic that her father had loved Ian and Ryan so much and was happy for her.
    Ian stood at the end of the long walk, looking like an angel in a long black tailored jacket, his green eyes blazed with a ferocious love.
    The wedding was a blur. The bride and groom said their "I do's," promised to love each other till the day they died and were finally pronounced man and wife for all to witness. And then they kissed. That kiss was like an explosion of love and she was married.

    Back at the house the ballroom had been set up for the occasion; lined with roses and garlands. Candles were lit up all around and it looked magnificent. The chefs had prepared a delicious feast for the guests but Anna could hardly eat. She noticed Jolene was only picking at her food and thought that maybe she had lost weight. Maybe she was missing Jonathan? Yes that must be it. Perhaps she could do something? With a smile on her

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