Phoenix (Bears of Kodiak Book 3)

Read Online Phoenix (Bears of Kodiak Book 3) by Selene Charles - Free Book Online

Book: Phoenix (Bears of Kodiak Book 3) by Selene Charles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Selene Charles
Tags: paranormal romance, erotic fantasy, Erotic Romance, mating fever, sexy shifter romance
with a lifted brow, slowing down on her masticating now as her foot began to coyly slide along his naked calf.
    Her appetite for sex was insatiable. Not that he was complaining.
    “What if I told you that there’s a way for me to live nearly as long as you?”
    She froze. Then blinked. And then slowly lowered the meat stick in her hand to her lap. Cocking her head, she sniffed the air.
    Madison relied heavily on her sense of smell to suss out his emotions. But he was deadly serious.
    “You’re not teasing me?” she asked softly, fingers curling tight around the bone.
    “Madi”—he leaned forward onto a knee, grabbed that meat out of her hand and set it down, before taking her slightly grease smeared fingers in his and giving them a tight squeeze—“I’d never joke about something like this.”
    Her gaze flicked to their joined hands, and she sounded numb as she asked, “A witch?”
    Surprised that she’d already figured it out, he shook his head. “How did—”
    Golden eyes drilled into his. “I’ve known about this solution since the moment of my bonding.”
    Shocked to hear her say it, he couldn’t seem to form words because his mind was a muddled haze of questions.
    If she’d known this why hadn’t she ever said anything before? Why had she seemed content to just stay in this cave for so long? Why hadn’t she—
    “I never said anything about it because I wasn’t sure how to approach you with an idea so radical.”
    Like always, Madison seemed to guess his questions. Releasing his hand, she gently scraped her fingers through the tips of his hair, before rubbing his scalp in soothing circles.
    He had to fight not to groan in delight and lay his head in her lap. He was becoming addicted to her touch.
    “Of course I want to tie myself to you in every way, Madi. Forever.”
    She grinned, but her smile still seemed sad. “Phe, it’s not that easy though.”
    “What do you mean? I can’t tie myself to—”
    Leaning forward, she stole a quick kiss, silencing him. Then shook her head. “Yes, of course you can tie yourself to me. But it’s more than that. My lifeline and yours, they become entwined, Phoenix.”
    He heard what she wasn’t saying. And he trembled. “So if I die young—”
    “No,” she shook her head, “if there was one of us bound to die young, it would be the dragon. You know my kind. How aggressive we are. I’ll be stepping into my parents realm soon now that I’ve secured you. How do you think we keep our people in line? We fight.”
    “But your parents are still alive.” He knew he was making about as much sense as a rock, but he’d never expected to hear this. Truth be told, he was pretty sure he was a little bit in shock. The thought of losing Madison young, it’d never occurred to him before.
    She was too potent and full of life.
    She flicked his chest, chuckling softly. “It’s because together they’re powerful. But if you saw them naked you’d see they’re covered in scars that will never go away. That’s simply the way of things with my people. What if I’m not strong enough to—”
    Squeezing her fingers tight until she looked at him, he said in earnestness, “You won’t have to do any of it alone.”
    Yes, he knew he was only a grizzly. In Breed world he was the housecat compared to the untamed and wild lions of the savannah. Touching her forehead to his, she breathed in his air as he breathed in hers.
    “I love you, Phoenix. And I’m bound and determined to keep you with me for however long I have breath. But the sacrifice would be great for you.”
    “Or you.” He framed her face, looking into her gorgeous eyes. Feeling all over again like he was drowning in their molten depths. “What if I die young? I don’t want you having to always be my guard, always protecting me to make sure the pathetic grizzly doesn’t accidentally die from a dragon scratch. We’re so mismatched, Madi.”
    “No.” She growled, and flame flickered in her eyes. “No,

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