Phantom Warriors: Riot
did, she’d be set. She hadn’t wanted to report the incident from
last night, but the fact that she and Kim had been shot at changed
the situation.
    She parked her truck and walked inside. Her
plan was to leave Kim’s name out of it. Her fiancé, Danny Alberty
would be upset enough when he found out his future wife’s best
friend was out causing trouble again. He already didn’t like how
close the two women were. Some days, Nina couldn’t exactly blame
him. As soon as she walked inside, Nina spotted Rick Hensen, her
unwanted suitor. Unfortunately, he saw her too. He waved and walked
    “Hi Rick,” Nina said.
    “You going to be at the wedding reception
tomorrow?” he asked.
    She kind of had to be, since she was the
maid-of-honor. “I’ll be there.”
    “Great. I’ll be there, too.” He smiled. His
light brown face creased, showing off his beautiful white
    Rick was a handsome man, but no matter how
hard she tried, Nina just couldn’t bring herself to be interested
in him that way.
    He continued to smile at her.
    Nina’s discomfort grew. What did he want her
to say? He was a nice guy but she didn’t want to lead him on. Over
Rick’s broad shoulders, she saw Danny’s frowning face. He looked as
if he’d been heading out on patrol, but changed directions when he
saw her. His black cropped hair gave way to a square,
uncompromising jawline. Like The People from old, his skin held a
reddish tint beneath the brown. At five foot eight, he wasn’t tall,
but that didn’t mean he wasn’t intimidating.
    “Excuse me,” Nina said to Rick. “I have to
speak to Danny for a minute.”
    Rick looked over his shoulder and frowned.
“Okay. I’ll see you later?” He made it a question.
    To avoid any awkwardness, Nina nodded her
assent. “Sure.”
    Rick wandered away.
    Danny walked across the room and halted right
in front of her. Nina could feel the waves of anger emanating from
him. She opened her mouth to explain.
    “Don’t!” he snapped. “Do not say a word.”
Danny grabbed her elbow and ushered her into one of the few offices
in the small station.
    Nina waited until he shut the door behind
them. “I came here—”
    “Unless it was to apologize and promise never
to do anything so stupid again, I don’t want to here it.” He
    The sound reminded Nina of the Great Bear and
a shiver raced down her spine. So much for leaving Kim out of the
story. It was obvious that Danny already knew what had happened.
“I’m not here to apologize because I didn’t do anything wrong. I am
here to report poaching within the Qualla Boundary.”
    “If it wasn’t for my respect for your
grandfather, I’d arrest you right now.”
    Nina crossed her arms over her chest. “On
what charges?”
    He hesitated, then said, “Disturbing my…peace
of mind.”
    She pulled a face. “Those charges wouldn’t
stick and you know it.”
    “I’d make sure they did. At least until the
wedding tomorrow,” he said.
    Danny had never had much of a sense of humor,
so she knew he wasn’t kidding.
    “Do you have any idea how long it took me to
calm Kim down last night? Do you? Hours!” he answered before she
could. “She was ready to call out the army until you phoned. I’ve
never seen her so terrified. What in the hell were you
    “I—” He cut her off again with a sharp glance
in her direction.
    “You’re a bad influence.” Danny’s lips
pressed into a thin line. “The sooner we leave this place. The
better Kim’s life will be. The better our life will be.” Without you, was left unsaid.
    Nina didn’t think she was a bad
influence…Okay, so there was that one time in Raleigh, when she and
Kim had been detained by the police for protesting factories for
lax pollution controls because they were damaging the Smokies…and
that other time when poachers had reported them for disabling their
    The property in question had been illegal
traps, but by the time deputies arrived on scene,

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