Persona - A Disturbing Psychological Thriller

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Book: Persona - A Disturbing Psychological Thriller by Marc Horn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marc Horn
didn’t bother him. Though he owed his stature to it, it was the future that was important now. Moving forward was his priority. He had to find the priorities within that priority.
    Ginger returned and sat down. ‘Any progress?’ he asked.
    Ryan sighed. ‘No.’
    ‘Look within boy,’ Ginger advised, inches from Ryan’s face. ‘Expose your darkest secrets. You know you’re safe with me – I’m your friendly, fucking therapist! Tell me, Ryan. Tell me what you’ve done.’
    Ryan’s sealed his eyes shut. ‘Blood,’ he affirmed. ‘So much blood...bones ground into concrete...screaming...’
    ‘That’s good, lad, that’s beautiful,’ Ginger whispered. ‘Keep it going, let it all out.’
    Ryan’s face creased up with distress. ‘Pain, so much pain. Why did I have to suffer that?’ Abruptly, he opened his eyes. That was not him, those memories weren’t his. They were misleading. ‘I’m getting confused,’ he said.
    ‘That’s okay, son.’ Ginger gave him a light punch. ‘Good try. I’ve decided it’s redundant anyway. You know what you’re doing for fuck’s sake. You’re Ryan!’
    Ryan ran his hands through his hair. ‘My head’s like a fucking minefield,’ he announced with some distress.
    ‘That’s not a problem. It’s all about self-fulfilment.’ Ginger rummaged around in his pockets. ‘Fuck, no weed!’ He turned back to Ryan. ‘Each mine, lad, is a goal. You achieve that goal, that mine will deactivate.’
    Ryan smiled. That was so right. Only Ginger could communicate it so simply.
    ‘Take me to a mine,’ Ginger demanded.
    Ryan tensed up. Ginger was rigid. ‘You found one, boy?’
    ‘Yeah I’ve found one,’ Ryan said indifferently, staring at Ginger.
    ‘What’s it say?’ urged Ginger keenly.
    Ginger jolted back and screwed up his face. ‘Meaning what?’
    Ryan spoke decisively. ‘I’ve got to fuck a geezer up the arse.’
    Ginger pushed his chair away. ‘Well you can let that fucker explode!’

    Despite the fact that the text in front of him resembled nothing more intelligible than blurry black blocks, Dave kept typing. For the first time, he was conscious of the keys around him. They sounded like footsteps in a busy shopping mall. He could feel pressure building inside his head and rubbed his face with his hands. Refocusing on the screen, Dave realised it was pointless - there was too much on his mind. He couldn’t pay attention to work.
    Deciding to relax in his chair for ten minutes, Dave interlocked his fingers behind his head. He’d make the time up afterwards. He was so worried about Ryan - what his friend might do, or indeed have done, he had no idea. Ryan wouldn’t tell him his plans, because he knew he’d disapprove and try to change his mind. Ryan was incredibly stubborn and just as motivated, and that was a disturbing combination. Usually, you’d have a man with the enthusiasm to commit a crime, but peer pressure would dissuade him; or someone who would disregard all the advice given, but then lack the self-discipline to carry out his intention. There was no weakness to exploit in Ryan.
    What also didn’t help was the fact that Ryan had never been inside. He’d never been suspected of any of the assaults he’d committed. Dave had never wanted to see him banged up, but the incompetence of the police had increased Ryan’s confidence, which might now inspire him to kill. If he got caught then , it wouldn’t be a slap on the wrist - they’d throw the key away. Dave shivered.
    Anyone else had normal friends, normal relationships and normal lives. Fate had drawn him to Ryan and cursed him with a hazardous path. In retrospect, though, he had to admit he’d never been bored. Ryan kept him alive. But he also kept him afraid, and that was some price to pay...
    Dave knew it wasn’t all Ryan’s fault, and this contributed to his tolerance of the man. Genetic inheritance was an unfortunate burden – to some extent your life was

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