Paige and Chloe

Read Online Paige and Chloe by Aimee-Louise Foster - Free Book Online

Book: Paige and Chloe by Aimee-Louise Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aimee-Louise Foster
against hers, sitting close so
that I could feel her and instantly saw how her body reacted to my touch.
Taking the box casually from my cut I placed it into her palm and watched her
eyes sparkle with excitement as a smile crept across her face. She hesitantly
opened the box and her facial expression warmed my insides when I saw her
delight at seeing the necklace for the first time, reassuring me of my decision
to purchase such an extravagant present.
"How did you know the meaning of Peridot?"
I remember the words that fell from her lips as she rubbed her finger over the
pendant before turning to hug me, pressing her tits firmly against my chest. I
allowed her to wrap me into her embrace and enjoyed the brief encounter but I
needed space, I wanted her but couldn't let her know how deep my desire was to
have her at that time. I smiled briefly and pulled away, remembering the
confused expression on her face before I turned and walked away, adjusting my
cock in the process.
    I didn't want to raise awareness
of my feelings for Chloe so I tried to keep my distance from the clubhouse and
Hound's house where possible, but frequently asked Tyler how the family were
doing in general. I knew that she had a job at the salon that Taylor owned and
by all accounts, she was doing well, not that I doubted her capabilities. Chloe
was a bright young lady and could've turned her hand to most things but had decided
that her love was in the hair and beauty industry.
    With Chloe being the daughter of a
club member and only seventeen at the time I found my attraction to her, I tried
to push my feelings aside but the magnetic force between us was and still is
too strong.
I knew she liked me, I always had and it would've been too easy to have acted
on impulse and do something about it but I knew I had to play the waiting game,
the only downside was that I didn't know how long we may have to possibly wait.
Even now we were playing with fire but I wanted to test the water to see if
there was something special between us, I knew it would be electric if we
finally did come together physically but it would be nice to come to a decision
before outside factors got involved.
She was special, one in a million but I only hoped I had enough time to explore
the possibilities to see if she was the one.
    Chloe's earlier text could've knocked me down with a
feather. I hadn't expected her to make contact today, in fact I hadn't expected
her to make contact at all as I knew she would've been embarrassed regarding
her behaviour last night. She didn't usually drink excessively but it was
amusing to see her let down her guard and speak openly for a change. She had a
filthy mouth when she was drunk, I only hoped it was just as dirty when she was
    I was pulled from my thoughts by a light knock on the door,
taking a deep breath I checked my reflection in the mirror one last time before
opening it.
Chloe stood nervously on the front porch in a light weight emerald green summer
dress that suited her complexion well, she smiled shyly and I stepped aside
allowing her room to enter the house and glanced down the street, making sure
that she wasn't seen entering.
"You look beautiful as always." I stated closing the door and
watching her look around my modestly decorated living room.
Chloe looked down at her attire as if she couldn't remember what she was
wearing and glanced at me with a shy smile, "Thank you."
    I took the lead and stepped further into the living room
directing my arm towards the sofa, "Please take a seat." I found
myself rolling my eyes at how polite this all was and rather awkward. Why
was I acting like a dick? Chloe clutched her handbag and nervously made her way further into the
living room to sit on the sofa, as she crossed her legs the material on her
dress rode up her thigh revealing her firm bronzed skin. It amused me to see
her act in this way as her demeanour was completely different from last night
as I got to see a little more than just a piece

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