One Plus Two Minus One
in the
class, I’d still want you.”
    “Someone smart?”
    “ Yeah, the
chick who always talks to the professor, who always asks the right
questions. Her.”
    “ I used to be
her,” Beth said. “I don’t think anyone
thought it was sexy.”
    “They just didn’t know how to tell you.”
    She at him
for a moment, then grinned. “I’m older
than you,” she said.
    He shrugged.
    “Do you mind I’m older?”
    “ One way or
the other, I don’t really care. You’re
not that old.”
    “ Huh,” she
said, and lay backward, tired. He lay
down beside her, not quite touching. They were both quiet for a
while. She listened to the wind in the trees outside, and thought
he might have dozed for a while. She felt sleepy too. Sluggish and
sated and fucked more than she was used to.
    It started to
rain, heavily. Some thunder boomed a long
way away.
    “Maybe I should go,” he said.
    “ Wait until
it stops,” she said. “You’re
    He nodded, and kept lying where he was.

Chapter Four
    Half an hour passed, and Ethan kept kissing her. He was halfway hard again, but didn’t seem to
want to fuck, especially. Was just hard, like maybe guys that age
were always hard around a woman they were into. It was flattering,
Beth thought, a cheap thrill. She tried to remember who she’d slept
with when she was his age, and couldn’t. Maybe nobody, she thought.
She might have been working too hard, caring too much about exams.
He was stroking her ribs, her armpit, light, but firm enough it was
just bearable, and didn’t quite tickle. He had played with her
breasts for twenty minutes. He was touching her silky-light on
purpose, she thought. Teasing her, turning her on again, very
slowly. Turning her on, but also just wanting to touch her because
she was there.
    “ You want
something to eat?” she said suddenly. She’d realized he would lie there all day if she didn’t
make decisions for them both.
    “If you do.”
    She slid out of bed, reached for clothes.
    “ Don’t,” he
said. “Stay naked.”
    She stopped,
looked at him. “Nah.”
    “ Please. I want to look at
    She liked
that he wanted her that much. But still.
“Nope,” she said. “Another time.”
    She put on an
old tee shirt, shorts, didn’t bother with anything else. Her nipples stuck out through the cloth and he
looked at them. A lot.
    He stayed
naked, so she pulled the curtains. The
front ones were always shut so people on the street couldn’t see
in. She hadn’t bothered earlier with the back because it was only a
private courtyard, but she did now.
    She stood in
the kitchen and opened cupboards, opened the freezer. “What do you want?”
    He stood behind her and looked too.
    “ Pasta?” she
said. “Burgers?” Cheese on
    “Pasta?” he said.
    She nodded,
put water on to boil. He went sat on the
other side of the counter, on a stool. Kept looking at her legs.
Hitching up on his elbows to see.
    “ Don’t,” she
said, but didn’t really mean it. She’d
needed someone to want her like this all year, and was only just
starting to realize. She’d needed something like this all her life,
    “Take your shorts off,” he said.
    “Your top.”
    “ No,” she
said. Then, curious, “If it was one or
the other, which?”
    “Is it?”
    “Just answer.”
    He actually
looked unsure. Worried, like the choice
really mattered. It was flattering and sweet, and for that,
terribly sexy.
    “ Choose,” she
said. Lifted the shirt a little, pushed
at the shorts.
    “Top,” he said.
    She pulled it
off and got things out the cupboards with bare tits. He watched. Watched very carefully.
    She kept
grinning at him. She was relaxing. He
seemed so into her, she was starting to believe he was.
    “ Why maths?”
she said. Then suddenly thought she
sounded like a professor and disgusted herself a bit. Then realized
he wasn’t listening anyway, and put her shirt back on, and asked
again. She was fucking a guy who was so into her

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