On My Knees

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Book: On My Knees by Tristram La Roche Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tristram La Roche
German, after all.” He sipped at his wine. “What I mean is, she has a different way of looking at things. Sex and stuff. She’s not prudish like English or Americans.”
    “Your father?”
    “He’s dead. A long time ago.”
    “I’m sorry.” I looked at the floor.
    “No need. I didn’t have much of a relationship with him. He was different. English.”
    “So?” I peered at him from under my brow.
    “So what?” He looked at me as if I’d pulled a rabbit from a hat.
    “You told your mother about me. I’m wondering why, and where this is all leading.”
    “Ah, yes. Well, I mentioned I’d met you. When I told her you were married, she said I shouldn’t get involved. She worries about me.” He smiled and shrugged his shoulders.
    “So, she confirmed your own feelings. I don’t see where you’re headed. You had no intention of getting involved. You told me.”
    “I know.” He sat down at the side of me again.
    “Jesus, it’s like pulling fucking teeth.” I turned to look him directly in the eyes. “Just tell me.”
    He took a long drink of wine. “I know she’s right, to a degree, but I’ve been thinking about you all day. When she said to forget about you, I couldn’t come back here and be all alone. I thought if I went with other men it would get you out of my head.”
    “Does it usually work? I presume it’s not the first time?”
    “Yes, it usually does. It’s only sex, in the end.”
    I stood and cleared my throat. “Fine. So far. And I can see that running into me in the locker room was not part of your plan, but I don’t understand why you came out after me? Why didn’t you just let me go with Justin?”
    He put his glass on the side table and stood up. He drew close to me and took my hand in his. “I couldn’t. You see, I realized something as soon as I saw you struggling to tie your shoelaces.”
    “I think I’ve fallen in love with you.”
    “No buts.”
    He leaned forwards and pressed his lips against mine. I opened my mouth and he gave me his Chablis-flavored tongue. I sucked it in. My tongue against his, rough and wet and strong. We pulled each other tighter and tighter. I could feel my cock stiffening. I didn’t want it to end but, after a few moments, he pulled back and frowned at me.
    “But—” He turned and picked his glass from the table.
    I felt my life crumbling again.
    “It’s nothing, really. I’m just curious what you were doing in the sauna. Last night you were new to this. Tonight I find you in the sluttiest joint in town.”
    “My friend, Alex. Not gay, by the way. When I told him I’d met you, he felt that I should…ah, try it out a bit.”
    Attila almost choked on his wine.
    “Oh, he’s quite something,” I said. “He asked a gay friend of his for suggestions and he recommended I try that place.”
    “I see. And?”
    “And what?”
    “How did you get on?”
    “You saw for yourself.” I pictured Justin’s naked body and felt myself smile. “He was quite something. Apparently he’s on TV. He seemed to really like me.”
    “You mean he had a nice cock.”
    “He did, as it happens, but that’s not what I meant. He twigged that I had nowhere to go and was kind enough to offer to put me up.”
    Attila shook his head. “Wait. You’ve lost me. What do you mean you had nowhere to go?”
    It dawned on me then that I still hadn’t told him what I really had to tell him.
    “This is where it all started. I told her. I told Diana.”
    “Jesus! You did?”
    I nodded. “Yep. Told her I’m leaving her.”
    “So…this business of having nowhere to stay…she didn’t…”
    “Throw me out? Yes. On the street. My belongings are in the trunk of the car.”
    He flopped down onto the sofa. “Shit.”
    “I can stay at the office until I sort it all out. But at least I’m no longer a married man .”
    Attila dropped his gaze and let out a sigh.
    “What? What is it? You just said you’ve fallen

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