Olivia and the Great Escape

Read Online Olivia and the Great Escape by Lyn Gardner - Free Book Online

Book: Olivia and the Great Escape by Lyn Gardner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lyn Gardner
stick and Alex wasn’t interested in her at all? She’d feel like a complete idiot. She could imagine him sneering as he said patronisingly that, sorry, but she just wasn’t the kind of girl he’d be interested in. She was certain he was the kind of boy to make sure the whole school heard what had taken place. But she couldn’t go any longer seeing Georgia unhappy, even if it was doing wonders for her acting. The scene came to an end.
    “Fabulous,” said Sebastian Shaw. “It’s been a good morning’s work. Thank you very much for your time, everyone, and please say thanks to Ella and Arthur for putting up with us.”
    Everyone said thank you and went to pick up their bags. Olivia knew that Georgia was being collected by her dad and going to spend the rest of the weekend with him, his new wife, Leonie, and their new baby, Rosie. She hungback a little until Georgia had left, keeping an eye on Alex who appeared to be in no hurry either. She picked up her things and wandered out into Hangman’s Alley, where most of the buildings were still derelict and boarded up. She heard Alex following her and walked slowly down the alleyway to give him time to fall into step beside her.
    “Hey, Olivia,” said Alex, casually. “Fancy coming down to the river to take a look at what your dad is up to?”
    Olivia shook her head. “I’m going down later when he’s due one of his bathroom breaks so we’ll get a few minutes together.”
    “I could come down then,” said Alex, hopefully.
    Suddenly Olivia felt sorry for him. “Alex,” she said very seriously. “I think we’ve got to get something sorted out between us. I’m … I’m…”
    “I’ve always thought you were really gorgeous, Livy Marvell, from the first moment I saw you,” said Alex softly.
    Olivia cringed inside. This wasn’t going the way she had hoped. “Look Alex, I’m really flattered, of course I am, but I’m just not interested. I don’t know how to put it morekindly, but you and me, nothing is ever going to happen between us.”
    “It’s the high-wire, isn’t it?” said Alex. “I’m just not good enough at it for you.”
    “Don’t be silly,” said Olivia. “Of course it’s not that. In fact, you’re getting better. You should keep it up.”
    “I will,” said Alex. “I’ll never give up. Not on the wire or on you.”
    “Oh, Alex,” said Olivia, exasperated. “Haven’t you heard a word I’ve been saying?”
    “I have, but I don’t believe you,” said Alex, with his lazy smile. “You’re just playing hard to get.”
    Olivia’s eyes widened in irritation. “You’re so arrogant, Alex Parks! I wouldn’t go out with you if you were the last boy left at the Swan.” She stalked off, fuming.
    Alex stared after her. No girl had ever spoken to him like that before. Even when he’d been in primary school, he’d always been confident that girls liked him. He felt angry and humiliated. He looked around quickly to check that nobody had witnessed what had happened and was relieved to see that nobody from the Swan was near. It would have been soembarrassing. Anyway, who was Olivia Marvell to think she was so special? It wasn’t even as if she was obviously pretty like Georgia, Katie and lots of the other girls at the Swan. She should be grateful that he’d taken notice of her. He wanted to hurt her for making him feel small.
    “You’ll regret it, Olivia Marvell. Just you wait and see,” called Alex, staring hard after her. Olivia didn’t reply, she didn’t even turn round but just kept walking fast. She couldn’t see his face so she couldn’t work out whether his words were a plea or a threat. Either way, they made her feel shaky. She hurried her step, eager to put some distance between herself and Alex in case he decided to come after her.
    “Well, Olivia Marvell,” she said to herself, “you handled that really well, I don’t think.”

    Alex watched her go, his anger rising. He felt in his pocket for his phone and

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