Oliver's Online

Read Online Oliver's Online by Stephani Hecht, Amber Kell - Free Book Online

Book: Oliver's Online by Stephani Hecht, Amber Kell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephani Hecht, Amber Kell
Tags: General Fiction
enough, Lane knew he could be fierce when it came to protecting his friend.
    “You need to be more patient with him,” Patrick said.
    “I am,” Lane said. “He asked me to leave and I am.”
    “But he can tell that you’re angry.”
    “I’m not angry.”
    How many times did Lane have to say that? Was he going to have to rent a plane to fly a banner with the saying of it over the house or something?
    “You could have fooled me with the way you’re storming out of here,” Patrick shot back.
    “I’m just a little frustrated,” Lane admitted. “I want to help, and he won’t let me.”
    Patrick twisted his hands together nervously. “He feels guilty because of Dave.”
    “Then tell me how. How do I compete with a dead man?” Lane asked.
    When all he was met with was silence, Lane gave a nod of his head. “That’s what I thought. There is no good answer to that. I’m well and truly fucked. Aren’t I?”
    Without waiting to hear Patrick’s reply, if he even had one, Lane opened the door and left. He walked to his truck, got in, but didn’t start it up. He didn’t know where to go. He sure as hell didn’t want to go home to his lonely bed. He was too jacked up to go clubbing.
    No, what he needed was some answers about Oliver and that damn accident, and there was only one person that he could turn to in order to get them—Becca. As Oliver’s friend, she should know all the details, and she just might be willing to share.
    Pulling out of the apartment complex, he headed to Vance’s, Becca’s uncle, where she was staying. The drive was short, and before he knew it, he was at the penthouse, buzzing to be let in.
    He was met by a very sleepy, unhappy looking Vance. “Do you want to tell me why you are here in the middle of the night? Something better be on fire or dead.”
    “I need to speak to Becca,” Lane said.
    Vance rolled his eyes, something that looked completely off for the normally composed man. “I should have known it would be about her. Becca! Get out here. You have a visitor.”
    Becca came out of her room, rubbing her eyes. She wore all pink PJ’s from the silk tank top, to the matching boy shorts. For once, her perfectly styled hair was a mess of cowlicks and tangles.
    “Lane, what are you doing here?” she asked as she ran her hand over her face.
    “I need to talk to you about Oliver,” he said.
    “And it couldn’t wait until morning? Sheesh! And people say I’m the rude one in our group. I say the award goes to you, buddy-boy.”
    “Okay, maybe I should have called first, but I’m really upset, and I need somebody to talk to,” Lane conceded.
    Vance hooked a thumb in his niece’s direction. “And she was your first choice? You must be pretty hard up.”
    Becca stuck her tongue out at Vance. “Go back to bed. I have this covered.”
    “Gladly,” Vance said, already retreating to his room.
    A second later, they heard his door slamming shut. Becca led Lane to the kitchen. “I would offer to make you coffee, but I suck at it. On the other hand, if you want to make it, you’re more than welcome.”
    Since Lane did crash in on her, it was the least he could do. He got out the French Press and started to make up some coffee for both of them. Becca took a seat at the table and let out a loud yawn.
    “Are you going to tell me what is going on, or do I have to guess?” she asked.
    “Oliver and I slept together tonight.”
    “Well, that’s a good thing. It’s about time my boy got laid.”
    “Well, it was good until he had a nightmare, freaked out, then made me leave.”
    “Ouch.” She wrinkled her nose. “That must have been a blow to your ego.”
    “My ego can take it. I just want to know how I can help him. More important, how do I help him work past this so we can have a relationship?”
    “So, what you’re wondering is how close he was to Dave and just how bad the accident was?”
    Wow, nobody could ever accuse Becca of being dumb. She might act the part

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