Of Love and Deception

Read Online Of Love and Deception by Melisa Hamling - Free Book Online

Book: Of Love and Deception by Melisa Hamling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melisa Hamling
of his abdomen, across his chest and up to his head. He stroked her abdomen and worked his way up. It wasn’t until his hands slid back down that she felt the wet droplets pierce her bare shoulders.
    A fine sprinkle turned into a downpour. It hadn’t affected Daniella because Cruz intoxicated her with sheer pleasure, unlike any she’d ever known. He wasn’t touching sensitive areas, but the way he kissed her, the way he ran his hands delicately over her neck and down along her hips…
    Turbulent emotions stirred wildly inside her head. She needed to stop this craziness before she lost herself completely.
    Attempting to regain control, Daniella grabbed his hand as he inched down along the inner lining of her shorts. Between kisses, she said, “We shouldn’t... not outside. I... we should... should go... before beach patrol comes round.”
    “Yes. Yes, we should go now.” He held her at arms-length and his fingers trailed down the side of her face. “Let’s escape to my house, where we can be alone.”
    She shivered straight down between the center of her legs. 
    No. I shouldn’t. But... I want to. What is he doing to me?
    Daniella’s teeth chattered and her body shook. “We’re soaked. I should really go home and call it a night.”
    “Come on. Let’s get to the car and get you warmed up. You’re freezing.” He wrapped his arm around her waist.
    She curled her fingers around his belt loop.
    They jogged back to the car.
    Daniella dug through her purse in search of her keys. Cruz caught her off guard as he reached from behind and scooped her into his arms. He kicked the door open and stepped into the house.
    “What are you doing? Put me down. I’m too heavy!” She twisted in his arms, but he clung tighter and carried her through the kitchen.
    He didn’t grin. He didn’t say a thing. But the sparks in his eyes as he examined her face was downright sexy. After entering the living room, he let her legs loose, and pulled her down on the white, plush rug. He held her against him, her breath catching at the touch of his lips. He sucked her bottom lip into his, nibbled lightly, and traced her jawbone with his thumbs. His tongue slid along the outline of her ear and slowly down her neck, fingers following until he reached her shoulders.
    She tensed.
    “Sit up,” he whispered.
    Cruz stood, circled around and sat down. “Come over here, in front of me. I’ll give you a massage.”
    For fifteen minutes, Cruz rubbed, kneaded and pressed his fingers into her back and shoulders, massaging the tension away. His hands slid slowly around front, working each button of her shirt loose. He shifted to his knees, flipped her silky damp hair off to one side and kissed her neck in gentle circular motions. She tilted her head, allowing him full access, not wanting him to stop when he slipped her shirt off and unfastened her bra.
    He licked her ear and groaned, his breath sending tingles across her shoulders.  Her stomach quivered from the touch of his hands as he hoisted her up to her knees and turned her around to face him. She let her arms drop, and her bra slipped off. Her breathing labored with little pants and gasps when he lapped her nipples, sucking lightly, and then more greedily. 
    Pulling back, he stood, took her hands and lifted her to her feet. In one quick stroke, he whipped his shirt off and watched her as he dropped his shorts. She suddenly felt nervous. His briefs were still on when he wrapped his arms around her, pulled her close, lips nearly touching hers. He slipped his hands into the back of her shorts, firmly gripping and pressing her against him.
    “Mm... I want you.” He slid his fingers along the string of her thong and unfastened her belt, released the button and unzipped the zipper.
    His lips were soft and warm. She accepted them the moment they touched hers. He opened his mouth a little, teasing in a way, but not purposely, and she drew his face closer, begging for more. He combed his

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