have gone too far by car and in this weather. We’ll find them.” Tom held her tightly.
    Jess placed her head against his shoulder as she cried into the baby blanket. Tom walked her out of the house and back to the officer’s car then called Mike.
    “Lisa was here. We found the baby’s blanket. No one is here now and the Roberts’ car is gone.” He gave him the make and model and told him they were on their way back.

Chapter Eleven

    “Do we have anything else on Lisa?” Jess drilled Mike as soon as she returned.
    “We’ve confirmed her visits to the prison. We also discovered she was pregnant and miscarried shortly after Marshall died. If the baby was Marshall’s, then we have motive.”
    Jess closed her eyes as she listened to Mike’s findings. Tom’s hand massaged her neck. “She couldn’t have done all of this on her own. She’s a nurse for Christ sake!” Jess told Mike.
    “She’s more than a nurse. She’s a hacker.” Mike added, “And a damn good one.” Mike informed Jess and Tom that Lisa had been orphaned and spent a year at the orphanage downtown—the one on the postcard. She’d been adopted by the Hendersons and seemed to live a normal life. There were no misdemeanors or juvenile records found. Mike told them their search had been thorough and her record clean. “She’s street smart but also a computer genius. From what we’ve gathered, she met Marshall online before he was arrested and continued the relationship while he was in prison. She was the missing link we never discovered with the Kyle Davidson case. We knew it was Kyle’s funding and use of the warehouse but we were never able to find a connection to who helped Marshall with the technological side. Who knows how many connections he’s made in the hacker world?”
    Jess sighed. “Great. How long am I supposed to look over my shoulder? The man is dead and now I have to worry about his followers? I should have never trusted her. For once my gut instinct failed me.”
    “No one is to blame here, but Lisa,” Mike reassured her.
    Mark waved his hand in the air, his eyes focused on the screen before him. “Nikki just messaged that she found Henry’s car through his GPS tracker.”
    “Where are they?” Jess leaned over Mark’s shoulder. She turned to Mike and Tom. “Oak Bluffs.”
    Mike asked Mark to send the location to their phones. He knew Jess would come along and didn’t even try to stop her.
    Tom asked Mark to keep an eye on the girls and keep them posted with any developing news.
    Mike found Ron Devlin downstairs. He couldn’t believe the airport security guy had stayed. He’d given them a ride into Vineyard Haven, lent Mike his phone and stuck around to help.
    “Ron, are you up for a drive to Oak Bluffs?” Mike filled him in that the neighbor’s vehicle had been tracked there.
    “Anything to help,” Ron replied. He led the way to his car. Tom and Jess followed Mike. Gina joined the police escort. Mike checked his phone for the coordinates and plugged it into Ron’s GPS. Ron laughed. “No need for that around here, my friend. Oak Bluffs is small and we’re only ten minutes away. Do we know exactly where in Oak Bluffs?”
    Mike told him the vehicle was parked at the docks.
    Ron nodded and turned on the sirens. The storm appeared to break and the rains slowed. Mike turned to Jess in the backseat. “She must have a connection to help her get away by boat. She’s smart enough not to go to the airport and wait. Don’t worry, Jess, we’ll get to her first.”
    Jess nodded and turned to look out the window. Mike tried to reassure her, but he knew until she had Thomas in her arms, nothing could comfort her.
    Mike asked Ron to turn off the sirens as they entered Oak Bluffs. He didn’t want Lisa to hear them coming. As they slowly pulled into the harbor front, “There’s Henry’s car!” Jess shrieked from the back seat.
    “Are you armed, Jess?” Mike turned and asked her.
    “Of course not, I just had a

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