No Ghouls Allowed
school career with, and to make matters
     worse, the following week I’d learned that Robby had told everyone that I’d gone all
     the way with him.
    I think I was still a little furious about that because most people believed I’d lost
     my virginity to Robby Reynolds, who’d been a good-looking guy but a total himbo, even
     back then. I’d only agreed to go to the prom with him because the guy I’d really liked,
     Mike Newcomber, had chosen to take “Double-D” Debbie Campbell to prom even though
     he and I had gone to the movies and made out a couple of times.
    I could only hope that when Robby showed up to tow the van, he’d be sporting a paunch
     belly and a receding hairline.
    “Come on,” Heath coaxed after Gilley had done his best to tend to his forehead. Taking
     my hand, he added, “Let’s get as far away from the house as we can.”
    Heath had pulled me to my feet, but I couldn’t help looking back over my shoulder.
     The mansion was giving off a seriously sinister vibe, which I hadn’t detected when
     we’d first pulled up to it. Turning to Heath, who was also glancing nervously over
     his shoulder, I said, “Can you feel that?”
    “Yeah. It’s pretty thick, right?”
    “What’s thick?” Gil asked.
    I shuddered and moved a little faster. “The energy coming off the manor. It’s thick
     with something big, bad, and evil.”
    Gilley rolled his eyes. “Well,
    “It wasn’t like that when we first entered the home,” Heath told him.
    I nodded. “Odd that we wouldn’t sense it immediately, right?”
    “It is. Energy as thick as that should be oozing from every crack and crevice. We
     should’ve picked up on it like a bad smell.”
    “What if it was like Godzilla?” Gil said.
    Heath and I both turned to him. “Come again?” I said.
    He shrugged. “What if it was like Godzilla, you know, asleep, and then we came around—or
     rather, you two fools with your abilities to talk to dead people—and that thing detected
     that in you and it woke up?”
    “You’re seriously comparing that spook to Godzilla?”
    “He may have a point,” Heath told me. I cocked an eyebrow at him. “Seriously, Em,
     things were a little bumpy in there until all the doors started slamming. Something
     shifted. Didn’t you feel it?”
    I thought back, but I honestly couldn’t say that I’d felt any sort of shift. “I didn’t,”
     I told him. “But then, I might’ve been more focused on getting to Gilley before that
     spook did. After that, I ended up on a whole other plane.”
    A rumble alerted us to an approaching vehicle. I tensed when I realized it was Robby.
    Gil nudged me with his elbow. “Are you wondering if he’s still as gorgeous as he was
     in high school?”
    “Uh, no,” I said crisply as I reached for Heath’s hand and hoped that he and I didn’t
     look too beat up. Little did Gilley know that I was actually hoping Robby appeared
     fat and bald.

Chapter 3
    The person who stepped out of the tow truck was somewhere in the middle of what I��d
     hoped to see. “Hey, y’all!” Robby said, after opening the door to his truck and leaning
     out to wave at us across the cab.
    He looked much as he had in high school, except his hairline was receding (yes!) and
     he was a little thicker around the middle (yay!), but there was also that same underlying
     handsome smile and twinkle in his eye, which had always made him so appealing to the
     girls in my high school (dammit!).
    We waved and said hello and then Robby squinted at me. “Well, hell! Is that Mary Jane
    I offered another lackluster wave. “Hey, Robby. How ya been?”
    Instead of replying, Robby jumped down from the cab and came racing around, heading
     straight for me with outstretched arms as if he fully intended to sweep me up in a
     giant bear hug. I braced for impact, but right before Robby reached me, Heath stepped
     to my front, squared his shoulders, and thrusted out his hand. “Heath

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