Nightfall (Book 1)

Read Online Nightfall (Book 1) by L. R. Flint - Free Book Online

Book: Nightfall (Book 1) by L. R. Flint Read Free Book Online
Authors: L. R. Flint
I was lifted from the ground, though the only reason I could tell this was because of the shift in the angle of my view. I could not feel anything because my body was still in Caernadvall, while my spirit—or essence—seemed to be floating around unrestrained in some distant land.
    The dunes raced by and eventually two huge, rectangular stones, of a somewhat darker color than the surrounding sands, appeared over the horizon. They stood vertically, held up by sand around their bases and magic—which, oddly enough, I could sense the place was flowing with. Atop the two stones another was laid, though it was thicker and shorter, sticking out only a few feet on each end from the two pillar stones.
    I was instantly snatched back to Caernadvall as I fell into a puddle. I coughed up the water I had inhaled in the instant when my mind was making the adjustment from one plane of existence to an entirely different one and looked straight up into the gaze of Alaia’s piercing eyes. Her gaze said that she desired to murder me, but with relief I noticed a look of worry hidden in her eyes. Standing and shaking the water from my soaked hair, I asked, “What was that for?”
    “What were you doing? And—if it is not because of stupidity—I would like to know what you were doing using magic in plain sight,” she hissed. Though she was talking quietly, I could tell she was angry, and there was a warning in the calmness of her words.
    I said I was sorry and then explained that I had not known what was happening, or how to stop it. She asked me a bit disbelievingly if a storm sprite had dissolved into my face. I nodded and explained what had happened. “I tried to duck,” I added, hoping that it would help my case.
    “I would advise that you never again try what you just did, unless you are being watched over by someone with whom you can trust your life.” The reason behind such a choice was unknown to me. “It is easy for your enemies to kill you while your spirit is away from your body, viewing the past, present, or future. Do not worry though, it will wear off in the next couple of days.”
    “Oh,” I mumbled, even more resentful of the sprite that had dive-bombed my face, but glad that I would not have to live with the hindrance my whole life. Noticing that my friends were nowhere to be seen—not considering the rain which made seeing anything more than a few feet away almost impossible—I asked where they were. Alaia’s answer did not come in the form of words, she merely began walking down the street, eventually turning onto other streets and leading me I-had-no-idea-where-to.
    ~ ~ ~
    Alaia walked up to an old, stone building which had been abandoned years ago and I followed her through its entrance. She led me down some stairs into a cellar, through a hidden door in one wall, and then up the longest ladder I had ever seen. At the top of the ladder was a small landing beyond which was a small, wooden door. We walked into a medium sized room which lacked a good source of light and had vines like the ones on the Wall growing down each vertical surface and hanging from the ceiling. The room looked like it belonged in a completely different world and really was quite interesting, but the best part was that my three friends sat there on the floor, apparently awaiting my arrival. “Nice accommodations,” I said to Eskarne, still inspecting the room.
    “Thank you,” she said, smiling smugly. She stood up, stretched her arms out to either side and slowly spun in a circle. “Welcome to ‘Within the Wall’.” I caught the hint of a laugh in her voice. “Still hoping to get farther than this?” she asked innocently; I only smiled. I noticed that Alaia rolled her eyes and guessed she had seen Eskarne and I go beyond the Wall through the tunnel, this did not surprise me though, seeing as she was supposed to be keeping an eye on me.
    “I will leave now,” the woman said.
    “You can wait until the storm lets up,”

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