Night of Seduction

Read Online Night of Seduction by Iris Bolling - Free Book Online

Book: Night of Seduction by Iris Bolling Read Free Book Online
Authors: Iris Bolling
Tags: Family & Relationships, music, Brothers and sisters, iris bolling
’ t my first time with a man; it was my first time with
a stranger. ”
    “You should try
it again, you are pretty good at it, ” he
    Sure, she had
misunderstood what he said she frowned. “ I
can ’ t go around sleeping with strangers. My reputation is
stained as it is. ”
    “Well you could
just sleep around with me. I won ’ t tell
anyone. ”
    Siri ’ s hands went to her
hips and her eyebrows furrowed. “ As enticing as that
may be, I can ’ t do that. I
don ’ t know you. ”
    He took her
hand and motioned for her to sit at the desk next to him. “ I beg to differ, ” he said as she sat
in the chair. “ I think you and I
know each other better than some married
couples. ”
    Blushing, Siri
lowered her head. “ About that
night-- ”
    “Yes about that
night of seduction, ” he interrupted her. “ You left something behind. ”
    “I did,
what? ”
panties. ”
    Siri sprung from the seat and gasped.
    “Will you
relax? ” Eric laughed. “ It ’ s not that
serious. No one will ever know Siri. You have my word on
that. ”
    With tears
appearing in her eyes Siri whispered, “ You
don ’ t understand. I just went through a really, really bad
period in my life. If something like this gets out about me it
would be catastrophic. I ’ m just beginning to
get my life back in order. I could lose my job, and the little
respect I ’ ve managed to earn back. Please, I beg you,
please don ’ t tell
anyone. ”
    Eric stood and
embraced her. The fear in her eyes annoyed him. “ Siri, I
will never tell a soul about that night. ” He kissed the
side of her head and held her protectively in his arms as her tears
captured his heart. “ Look at me
Siri. ”
    Slowly she
raised her head until their eyes met. He wiped the tears from her
cheeks with his thumbs. “ That night was very
memorable for me. I hope it was the same for you. I certainly
don ’ t want you to stress over it. ”
    Mesmerized by
his eyes and his voice, Siri wasn ’ t sure which was
causing the serenity within her, but whichever it was, she was
grateful for it. “ The memory of that
night soothes me to sleep at night and awakens me refreshed each
morning. I never thought I would have to explain it to my
family. ”
    Touched by her
words he smiled. “ I hope you will
explain it to me one day. But not now. We have a room to paint and
you have people to thank. Where shall we start? ”
    Realizing she
was still standing in his arms, Siri slowly pulled away. “ My room isn ’ t going to be
painted. I compromised and did the kitchen
instead. ”
    “I have never
volunteered to do manual labor with these hands. Are you turning
down my offer? ”
    Touched by his
confession Siri smiled. “ Thank you for the
offer, but my boss will have a cow or two if this room is
painted. ”
    “He looks as if
he could have two cows. ” Siri smiled so
brightly at his comment, Eric was certain somewhere on earth the
sun was rising. Thinking to himself, I would love to see her smile
like that every day. “ I ’ m sure he
would look and feel a lot better if he had at least one cow, so
what do you say we help him along. ”
    “Hmm, you are
asking me to do something that will tick my boss off. Let me think
about that for a moment. ” She acted as if she
was contemplating. “ Works for
me, ” she declared. “ Let ’ s start with the back
wall. ”
contently, “ The back wall it
is, ” Eric replied.
    The local radio
station was on as the two worked silently. The deejay
announced, “ We have a request
from a volunteer over at the elementary school on the north side of
Richmond. It seems they have a paint party going on over there and
I wasn ’ t invited. My feelings aren ’ t hurt,
just bruised a little. Especially since Silk Davies is there.
That ’ s right folks the one and only Mr. get them sticky and
wet is in town working to help our community. Way to go Silk, and
just to show you how much love we have for you here in the

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