Night Lurks

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Book: Night Lurks by Amber Lynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amber Lynn
with Frank. They only took about five minutes and tended to be just him telling me to keep up the good work.
    “Why would it take you a whole week to go over things? Did you have to give descriptions of your bowel movements?” I could see that taking a whole week. It would be about all I would have to discuss with the person doing that job review.
    “Being the important person that I am, in the scheme of things, gives us tons of stuff to talk about. My review didn’t last all that long, but we did have to discuss all of my underlings. That is what took up the majority of the time. Figuring out who needs to spend a little extra time in the torture chambers is really time consuming.”
    I am sure that does take a lot of consideration. As far as demons go, I am trying to figure out if the torture chamber part is a reward or a punishment. From the little reading I have done of the matter, I am actually leaning towards them enjoying it.
    The conversation pauses for a second, somewhat of a miracle with the two talkers in the backseat, so I take a second to try to knock around on the wall Sebby has created. I really don’t understand why he won’t let me in. It could only be helpful for us to be able to communicate. There has to be something interfering somehow. I know our bond is unbreakable, but I wonder if there is some kind of jammer being used.
    “Ben, since you are the expert on this new bond me and Sebastian share, what could cause us not to be able to connect? I still feel him out there, but I cannot get a direct line.”
    “I doubt there is anything that could accomplish that. Your boyfriend is most likely just playing it safe. Candy can pick up your private conversations just like me. If he allowed you to broadcast in, she may be able to make a beeline right for you. I have spent plenty of time with Candy and her going to this extreme isn’t exactly out of character, but to take the vampire leader isn’t really bright. I don’t imagine she was aware of you or she wouldn’t have wasted her time.”
    I highly doubt that. She didn’t seem to care about anything other than trying to make a slave out of Sebastian. Thinking that Sebby would allow something like that is pretty moronic, but I guess she doesn’t mind if that word is used to describe her.
    “Me being in the equation makes no difference, other than to maybe aggravate her more. I have it on good authority that it will make her want to try some really sadistic techniques out on one half of my man bits.” I have decided that the guys’ private regions belong to me, so speaking as if they were actually on my body isn’t weird at all.
    “I guess the fact that the dreams must already be starting is a good thing. If you cannot speak directly to him, it is the only explanation for you knowing future events. When did they start? I have been doing a little more research on just what changes you can expect in the next few weeks,” Ben answers confusing me more than usual with his words.
    Yes, I am having dreams of the future, but what in the world does that have to do with anything else? I thought they were coming from Sebastian’s side of things more than mine. He is the precog in our relationship.
    “I don’t want to confirm or deny anything, but I do want to hear more about this reading you have been doing. Just what other changes do I have to look forward to?” I turn around to look at him while he responds. He is looking out the window, but turns to look at me. He gives me a wide grin that doesn’t assure me one bit.
    “We should probably pretend I didn’t drive the conversation to this point. I cannot tell you what I read without revealing what you are and no one wants that. I just wanted to see if there was anything really interesting that may be passed on to our child.” I figured he wouldn't give me any information, so I turn back around and sulk a bit in my seat.
    “Whoa. Wait just a second. You are pregnant? Weren’t you worried about the

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