Murder in Barbados: An Anna Winters Cozy Mystery (Murder in Paradise Book 4)

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Book: Murder in Barbados: An Anna Winters Cozy Mystery (Murder in Paradise Book 4) by Penelope Sotheby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Penelope Sotheby
Gordon’s door, the three of them looked in horror at the guard. The man who had been watching the room was slumped in the chair, dead. A single bullet hole to his temple had ended his life.
    “It doesn’t even look like Tom put up a fight.” Detective Jensen said and cursed under his breath.
    “When I was by earlier, he had fallen asleep.” Anna offered.
    Reaching for his radio, Detective Jensen said the words that no officer ever wanted to hear. “Officer down. Badge 171 is 10-7. Please notify the Medical Examiner.”

Chapter 9
    As the police swarmed outside the room, the detective, Anna, and Pauline entered Gordon’s room.
    “You two be careful.” Detective Jensen warned. “I don’t want either of you leaving here in a body bag. There’s been too much death already.”
    Anna grabbed Pauline’s hand, who clasped her hand tightly. They watched as Detective Jensen approached the bathroom door. Reaching for the handle, he pulled it open and Gordon hit the bathroom floor with a thud and backed up to the far wall.
    “Is he okay?” Anna asked.
    “It’s only you.” Gordon breathed a sigh of relief.
    “What happened?” Anna asked.
    “Someone shot the officer outside.” Gordon began. “I had no idea who it was though. I heard the shot, looked outside, and there was someone turning the corner. I didn’t see who it was.”
    “You heard a shot and no one else did?” Detective Jensen asked. “That seems strange to me.”
    “It was a soft pop, like a firecracker.” Gordon responded. “I had no idea what it was. Had I known it was an actual gunshot, I wouldn’t have opened the door.”
    “So much death happens around you.” Anna replied. “Your wife has died, her lover has died, and the woman up the hallway in Pauline’s room. Add the cop who was keeping watch over you, that’s four people.”
    “I don’t appreciate the accusation.” Gordon replied.
    “No, I don’t suppose you would.” Anna snapped. “It was the very same accusation you gave me when your wife died.
    “This isn’t the time really.” Pauline offered.
    “Oh, there is another reason for this.” Anna replied. “I’m going to unmask the killer.”
    “You know who the killer is?” Detective Jensen asked. “You haven’t done anything more than walk into the room.”
    “That was all it took for me to determine who the killer was.” Anna offered. “Hopefully, this makes sense. My mind is a little fuzzy, but bear with me and I think it will all make sense in the end.”
    “This I have to hear.” Gordon replied.
    “Are you sure you are up for this?” Pauline asked.
    “If you want to gather your thoughts first, you can.” Detective Jensen rubbed Anna’s shoulders.
    Closing her eyes for a moment, she cherished his touch. She had only known him for a short time but it felt like they had spent decades together. He seemed as though he were her perfect match and she found herself enjoying being around him.
    “Let’s begin by looking at some of the things we noticed when we arrived at the room.” Anna began. “We arrived and the officer who was assigned to protect Gordon was dead by the door.”
    “That means the officer was dead.” Detective Jensen replied. “I don’t see what it shows us at this point.”
    “It shows that whoever wanted to gain access to the room had to take care of him.” Anna continued. “There was no way the person would be able to gain access to the room otherwise. Because it was unlikely the person would be someone Gordon would let in without a fight, they needed to have no distractions.”
    “Gordon could have killed the guard to cover his guilt and set this up.” Pauline suggested.
    “I didn’t kill him!” Gordon replied defensively.
    “No, you didn’t.” Anna agreed. “I noticed the officer was having trouble staying awake when I came by earlier.”
    “When did you come by?” Gordon demanded. “I haven’t see you since the reception.”
    “I came by earlier.” Anna

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