Most Eligible Cowboy (Peach Valley Romance Book 1)

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Book: Most Eligible Cowboy (Peach Valley Romance Book 1) by Carly Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carly Morgan
constantly going between Jackson, working for her aunt Patty, and back to Jackson until she decided she would go to the picnic.
    She knew what she’d wear with her new boots. In her closet, she pulled on the spaghetti strap, white handkerchief dress with royal blue embroidered stitching. The edging was raw and the material was rayon. The length came to just above her knees. After putting on a pair of socks, she eased into her new boots. The snakebite ankle was still swollen, but she got it on with minimal pain. In the bathroom, she freshened up her mascara, added a little blush, and some lip-gloss. She brushed through her hair, letting it drape around her face. In the full-length mirror hanging on the back of her bathroom door, she studied her reflection. She looked pretty. And she loved the boots. As she checked them out, she wondered how he’d known her size.
    She also wanted to bring something to the picnic. Her mom had taught her from a young age that you never attended a party empty-handed. At the refrigerator, she studied the contents. It was full, but someone else had made all of the food. She couldn’t use that. She texted her aunt.
    What should I bring to the picnic?
    You’re going?
    How wonderful, hon. I’m bringing a peach cobbler. That’s enough for the two of us.
    Maya figured it was, but everyone had been so hospitable, and she wanted to share a part of herself with them. She wasn’t a chef by any means, but she enjoyed cooking.
    She checked the time. There was still three hours before the picnic. I’m going to run into town and get a few things. Do you by chance have a fryer?
    While she waited for a response, she grabbed a sticky note and a pen. She knew she could use her smart phone to type a list, but she liked the color and the texture and the way it felt against her skin as she wrote out what she needed. It allowed her to think.
    Yes, I do. I’ll bring it over. What are you making?
    They’re called peanut butter balls.
    Oh my. Sounds interesting. Why don’t you just stop by my place? I’m sure I have everything.
    Thank you. I’ll be right over. She hadn’t wanted to assume that her aunt would share, but she appreciated her offer.
    Her aunt already had the door open when she arrived. Patty gave Maya a once over. “Don’t you look adorable? Where’d you get those boots?”
    Maya felt her face get hot. “There wasn’t a name, but I think they’re from Jackson.”
    “Put your boot up here and let me have a look.” Patty pulled out a chair and patted the seat.
    Maya placed her foot on it. Patty put her glasses on and bent so that she was close. “What does the bee mean?”
    She explained about the picture and aunt Patty clapped. “So cute. I think Jackson is smitten.”
    Maya shook her head. “He’s just a nice guy.”
    Patty looked at her over the top of her glasses. “Nice guys don’t spend a thousand dollars on specially made boots.”
    “What?” Maya put down her foot. “A thousand dollars? No way.”
    Patty shrugged. “At least.”
    Maya put her hands to her cheeks. “But he had a date at church today.” She was confused.
    “Oh, Maya. That was Scarlett. She and Jackson have known each other for years. If I had to bet, I’d say she called him and he didn’t want to be impolite.” She shrugged. “Besides, it was church. You can’t get more innocent than that for a date.”
    “I guess.” Maya hugged herself; worried she shouldn’t accept the boots while loving them at the same time. She also liked him, but knew she shouldn’t get involved. It was too soon. But she wanted to. But, but, but…
    Aunt Patty went to the kitchen. “So, what do you need?”
    Maya set aside her feelings and focused on her list. “Peanut butter. Butter. Powered sugar. Vanilla. Cinnamon.” Her aunt went through her cupboards, pulling stuff out and placing it on the counter.
    “What else?”
    “Cornmeal. Eggs. Flour. Salt. Pepper. Granulated sugar, and milk.”
    “Oh my goodness.

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