Morgan's Surprise: Powertools, Book 2

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Book: Morgan's Surprise: Powertools, Book 2 by Jayne Rylon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Rylon
across Neil’s cheek, leaving a glistening smudge of pre-come behind. Neil swiped at it then brought his thumb to his mouth.
    “Son of a bitch!”
    Morgan wasn’t sure who’d said it but she totally agreed.


    When James took the head of Dave’s cock into his mouth for a quick kiss she nearly came on the spot.
    Both men shared a look of rapture that she felt privileged to share.
    “Hurry.” Joe spurred the men to strip off his and Dave’s shirts. “I have to be inside her. Soon.”
    The guys did the best they could with the icing, cake and jelly but some of those fingerprints would never come out. Morgan would buy them new clothes. It’d be well worth the price for the sight before her now.
    Joe and Dave closed in on her, gloriously naked, while James and Neil stripped themselves faster than she would have imagined possible before joining them around the table. Joe set the ruined cake near her hip and smirked. He plastered his sloppy hands over her breasts then dragged them along her torso. Dave daubed her lips with the tip of one finger. She opened for him, sucking the chocolate from his knuckle until it was mostly clean. He followed Joe’s lead, cupping her mound then smearing his palm upward until he’d transferred most of the sugary wreckage to her skin.
    The crew descended on her like starving men. They devoured the gourmet confection from her nipples, navel and abdomen. Their tongues stimulated every nerve ending on her front side as they licked, sucked and nipped.
    Morgan cried out with the intense pleasure of their attention. She folded her arms beneath her head for a better view, thrusting her breasts more firmly into their hold. When two of the men cleaned a spot near each other, they’d sometimes pause to enjoy a taste of their friend. Joe flicked his gaze to hers as he claimed James’s mouth.
    Something about the two men kissing drove her wild.
    She squirmed beneath them, begging for someone to soothe the riot of ecstasy overtaking her pussy.
    As they removed the last of the icing from her breasts, they tracked lower and lower. Neil grabbed her hips and yanked so her ass perched on the very edge of the table. He kicked out the chair there and sat.
    Joe and Dave each took hold of one of her thighs and spread her wide open. She glanced down her center until she met the dark blue of Neil’s penetrating stare.
    “Please,” she begged.
    He growled as he covered her pussy with his open mouth. He lapped at her cream, which mingled with the chocolate coating her. Her entire body tensed, poised on the edge of climax after less than a dozen bold swipes of his clever tongue.
    The four men overwhelmed her senses.
    Morgan reached for Joe, unable to put into words the rapture shooting like fireworks in her brain. Her hand closed around his cock and squeezed, drawing his attention to her plight.
    “Oh shit, she’s close already.”
    Neil groaned then redoubled his efforts. He ate her as though she were the sweetest treat on earth.

    The bulging cock in her hand felt so good, she reached for Dave on her other side. Both men pumped into her fists, grunting and cursing beneath their breath as they witnessed their friend devouring her. The table shook a little, and she looked up to see James kneeling by her head.
    “Doesn’t seem right for the birthday girl to go without cake.” His grin looked more like a grimace as need twisted it into something feral.
    “Feed me,” she moaned her permission.
    James dug into the remaining cake and slathered his cock with delectable goo. She opened wide as he guided his erection to her eager mouth. Neil zeroed in on a particularly sensitive spot on her pussy, making her moan around his lover’s cock.
    “Oh shit, yeah. Right there, Neil,” James panted as he drove between her lips. “Don’t stop.”
    Whether he spoke to her or Neil she couldn’t say but she didn’t plan on letting James go anytime soon, and she prayed Neil had similar inclinations. Joe

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