Monkey Trouble

Read Online Monkey Trouble by Charles Tang - Free Book Online

Book: Monkey Trouble by Charles Tang Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charles Tang
suspected you all along, and I was right,” Blake said to Annika. “Well, sort of. You did take my camera—”
    “But it was an accident,” Annika reminded him.
    “I know,” Blake said. “I’m sorry I accused you of stealing my camera. I looked at the pictures you took, and I have to admit, you are a really good photographer. I’m happy you are going to be a photographer for the school newspaper.”
    “Really?” Annika asked. “You didn’t change your mind, even though yours was actually the winning photo?” She seemed doubtful.
    “No,” Blake told her. “Welcome to the newspaper staff.” They shook hands for the second time.
    Sophie’s dad came into the room with Mr. Newton.
    Sophie rushed up to him. “I’m so sorry, Dad. I took a camera that wasn’t mine. And I lied to some kids earlier and said I bought my own. Both things were terribly wrong. I—”
    “Whoa,” Mr. Webb put his arm around Sophie to slow her down. “I want to understand what happened. Why did you take someone’s camera?”
    “I knew we couldn’t afford one. And I wanted photos for my memory album,” Sophie explained. A big tear rolled down her cheek. “I’m really sorry,” she said again.
    Sophie’s dad handed her a tissue. He said, “Maybe you could draw some pictures for the memories. You don’t need to spend money to make a moment special.”
    Sophie nodded and sniffed.
    “You are going to need to come up with a way to buy a new camera for Blake,” her dad said.
    Mr. Newton had a suggestion. “When you aren’t swimming, you can come here and help at the zoo,” he told Sophie. “We can pay you to clean up trash and look for lost items.”
    Sophie’s dad agreed that it was a good idea.
    “Okay,” Sophie said, with a big sigh. “I promise I’ll work hard.”
    After Sophie left the zoo with her dad, Annika and Blake thanked Jessie, Henry, Benny, and Violet for their help.
    “We were glad to help,” Henry said. “And we’re happy that we were able to solve the mystery.”
    “That’s right!” Violet said. “We were so close to having our first unsolved mystery.”
    “But, with all the witnessing and rememberering, we did it!” Benny cheered, “The case of Blake’s missing camera is now closed.”
    When Grandfather Alden picked up Henry, Violet, Jessie, and Benny, they were bursting with excitement.
    “We solved the camera mystery at the zoo!” Benny said proudly. He threw his backpack into the trunk of Grandfather’s car.
    “Congratulations! You always seem to solve the mysteries you encounter,” Grandfather said. He closed the trunk of the car and got into the driver’s seat.
    When everyone was buckled in and ready to go, Grandfather started the engine. He was about to drive away, when suddenly Mr. Newton came running to the car.
    “Benny! Benny!” Mr. Newton shouted. “I forgot to give you something.”
    “We already have our popcorn prize,” Violet told Mr. Newton, as she patted her purse.
    “And I got to eat the first piece of pizza like you promised,” Benny said.
    “This is something different.” Mr. Newton reached into his pocket. He pulled out an official zoo employee name tag. Engraved into the badge was the name Benny Alden. And under that it said, Assistant Zoologist. He handed the badge to Benny.
    “You were such a good helper,” Mr. Newton said. “Now you have an official title.”
    Benny grinned while Henry pinned the badge on his T-shirt. “Thanks, Mr. Newton!” Benny cheered. “Can I come back to help again on my next school break?”
    “Sure,” Mr. Newton said, adjusting his glasses on his nose. “I hope you’ll come and bring your brother and sisters, too.”
    As Grandfather drove the Alden children home, Benny looked at his new badge. “This is better than winning a year’s zoo pass,” he said. “Much better! I’m an assistant zoologist now!”
    Henry, Violet, Jessie, and Grandfather all cheered.
    Benny smiled the whole the way home.

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