Midnight's Master

Read Online Midnight's Master by Cynthia Eden - Free Book Online

Book: Midnight's Master by Cynthia Eden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Eden
Tags: United States, Romance, Literature & Fiction, Paranormal, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Ghosts
made her arm ache more. “End of story.” Not really. The real end had come when Sam got sliced to pieces.
    Not the way he should have gone. Not right—for him or Carl.
    “You’ve got two dead sources, Storm.” Storm. He always called her by that name.
    Whatever. She always thought of him as Brooks. Not exactly on a good, first-name basis.
    “Two dead, demon sources.”
    Yeah, and she knew it looked bad. “I didn’t kill them.”
    His brows rose. “I never said you did.”
    Well, good. But why the hell was she in Interrogation when—
    “But your new boyfriend…” A hard exhalation of air. “Now he’s another story.” His lips curved down. “You’re in over your head, lady. You don’t know just how dangerous your new lover is.”
    Yes, she did. “I was there that night, detective.” A reminder the guy didn’t need. She knew he hadn’t forgotten one instance of that horror-filled night at Paradise Found. She sure hadn’t. “I saw Niol. I saw everything.” More than the detective had realized. His attention had been splintered. He’d been dealing with the approaching cops, trying to protect his succubus lover, and making sure the killer was down.

    But her eyes had been on Niol. She’d seen him. She knew exactly how dangerous he was.
    Niol didn’t need to rip and claw a man to shreds. He could use a stray thought to kill.
    Level-ten demon. There wasn’t a more powerful being in the Other world.
    She wasn’t going to pretend Niol was some kind of good guy. A demon with a pure heart. She knew what he was.
    And wanted him anyway.
    Talk about being screwed up.
    “Niol’s got quite a temper,” Brooks murmured. “Maybe that temper got out of control.
    Maybe he didn’t like other demons being near you, so he eliminated the competition.”
    Bullshit. If she and Niol were involved sexually, she doubted he would have considered a kid and a recovering drug addict to be much competition. Holly shook her head. “Niol didn’t even know I was working with them. And you’ve got the wrong idea, Niol and I—we—”
    The door to the interrogation room opened with a squeak. Easily, softly. Niol stood in the doorway, arms hanging loosely at his sides. “It’s time to leave, Holly.”
    She blinked. “Ah—”
    “What the hell?” Brooks shot to his feet. “Get out of here, asshole! I’m questioning her
    “Not anymore.” Niol’s gaze raked over Holly. “You all right?”
    Was that a thread of concern in his voice? Holly pushed back from the table, rising on legs that should have been steadier, but—
    It had been one hell of a night. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.”
    She tried to walk around Brooks, but his hand caught her wrist. “We’re not finished.”
    A growl. And one that didn’t come from the shifter standing just behind Niol.
    No, it came from Niol. “You don’t want to do that,” he said, and the words were dark and rumbling.
    The air around her suddenly felt thicker, colder—and then Todd’s hand was gone.
    Almost…wrenched away.
    The cop swore and stumbled away from her. “I’m not in the mood for your tricks, Niol!”

    “And I’m not in the mood to deal with your shit.” He crossed the cramped space and took Holly’s hand. “We gave you half an hour. Answered your questions like the damn good citizens we are—now we’re leaving.”
    A muscle flexed along his jaw. His voice was controlled, but Holly realized Niol was seriously pissed.
    “Yeah, he’s got quite a temper,” Todd said again and tossed a calculating glance her way.
    “You sure that you want to leave with him, Storm?”
    Niol’s fingers caressed the skin over her wrist. A light, gentle touch. One he didn’t even seem to be aware of making.
    Her pulse jumped under that touch, a hard spike.
    Niol turned to meet her stare.
    Such dark eyes. A perfect black.
    Was his soul like that, too? Was she making a huge mistake?
    “I didn’t kill Carl or Sam.” The words were too loud, as if they were directed at

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