
Read Online Marked by P. C. Cast, Kristin Cast - Free Book Online

Book: Marked by P. C. Cast, Kristin Cast Read Free Book Online
Authors: P. C. Cast, Kristin Cast
hardly any lights in them.
    Unfortunately at the next right-hand turn off the hall I didn't avert my eyes. Okay, so the reason made sense. I heard something.
    To be more specific, I heard a laugh. It was a soft, girly laugh that for some reason made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. It also made me stop walking. I peeked down the hall and thought I saw movement in the shadows.
    Zoey…My name was whispered from the shadows.
    I blinked in surprise. Had I really heard my name or was I imagining things? The voice was almost familiar. Could it be Nyx again? Was the Goddess calling my name? Almost as afraid as I was intrigued, I held my breath and took a few steps into the side hallway.
    As I walked around the gentle bend I saw something ahead of me that made me stop and automatically move closer to the wall. In a little alcove not far from me were two people. At first I couldn't make my mind process what I was seeing; then in a rush I understood.
    I should have gotten out of there then. I should have backed silently away and tried not to think about what I'd seen. But I didn't do any of those things. It was like my feet were suddenly so heavy I couldn't pick them up. All I could do was watch.
    The man—and then with a little jolt of additional shock I realized that he wasn't a man, he was a teenager—not more than a year or so older than me. He was standing with his back pressed against the stone of the alcove. His head was tilted back and he was breathing hard. His face was in the shadows, but even though he was only partially visible I could see that he was handsome. Then another breathy little laugh drew my eyes downward.
    She was on her knees in front of him. All I could see of her was her blond hair. There was so much of it that it looked like she was wearing it as some kind of ancient veil. Then her hands moved up, running along the guy's thighs.
    Go! my mind screamed at me. Get out of there! I started to take a step back, and then his voice made me freeze.
    My eyes got huge because for a second I thought he was talking to me.
    "You don't really want me to.”
    I felt almost dizzy with relief when she spoke. He was talking to her, not me. They didn't even know I was there.
    "Yes, I do.” It sounded as if he was grinding his words from between his teeth. "Get off your knees.”
    "You like it—you know you like it. Just like you know you still want me.”
    Her voice was all husky and trying to be sexy, but I could also hear the whine in it. She sounded almost desperate. I watched her fingers move, and my eyes widened in amazement when she drew the nail of her index finger down his thigh. Unbelievably, her fingernail slashed through his jeans, just like it was a knife, and a line of fresh blood appeared, startling in its liquid redness.
    I didn't want it to, and it grossed me out, but at the sight of the blood my mouth started watering.
    "No!" He snapped, putting his hands on her shoulders and trying to push her away from him.
    "Oh, quit pretending?" she laughed again, a mean, sarcastic sound. "You know we'll always be together.” She reached up with her tongue and licked along the line of blood.
    I shuddered; against my will I was completely mesmerized.
    "Cut it out!" He was still pushing at her shoulders. "I don't want to hurt you, but you're really starting to piss me off. Why can't you understand? We're not doing this anymore. I don't want you.”
    "You want me! You'll always want me!" She unzipped his pants.
    I shouldn't be there. I shouldn't be seeing this. I tore my eyes from his bloody thigh and took one step back.
    The guy's eyes lifted. He saw me.
    And then something truly bizarre happened. I could feel his touch through our eyes. I couldn't look away from him. The girl in front of him seemed to disappear, and all there was in the hallway was him and me and the sweet, beautiful smell of his blood.
    "You don't want me? That's not how it looks now," she said with a nasty purr in her voice.

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