Manties in a Twist (The Subs Club Book 3)

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Book: Manties in a Twist (The Subs Club Book 3) by J.A. Rock Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.A. Rock
good at fucking?”
    Dave shook his head. “He’s never actually done anything with those tentacles. I’m not even sure they exist. If they do, he’s definitely compensating for something.”
    I grabbed the last turkey slice. “Hey. It’s not what you have between your legs; it’s what you do with it.”
    Gould looked at me. “That’s profound. Especially since I’ve always assumed your dick is scary-big.”
    I bit a hole in the center of the turkey slice. “Mine? No, it’s really small.”
    “Yeah, right.”
    Miles sighed. “This is not a suitable conversation.”
    Dave jumped in. “It’s true, though. Kamen and I had gym together in high school, and he’s not as big as you’d think.”
    I finished the turkey. “My dick’s small, but my balls are huge. My junk looks like a legless salamander between two avocados.”
    Dave cracked up, and Gould smiled a little too. Miles rolled his eyes toward the ceiling and looked like he was mentally crossing himself. “Oh my God .”
    “What?” Dave held his hands up, palms out.
    “I can’t believe I’m here listening to this when I have a child arriving in less than two days. I could be home remopping the floors.” He started to get up.
    “No!” Dave said. “We have to keep Miles here.”
    “I’ll play him a song,” I volunteered, leaping up to get my guitar from its usual corner.
    It wasn’t there. ’Cause I’d taken it to my place a few weeks ago.
    I owned two guitars, one that stayed with me, and one I’d kept here so I could play while we were all hanging out. But since I wasn’t hanging out here as much anymore, I’d brought that one home.
    For a second, that empty corner made me so fucking sad.
    “Ha-ha!” Miles smirked. “You don’t have your secret weapon here any longer.”
    I grinned. “I can still block the door.”
    “Staaayyy, Miles,” Gould begged.
    Miles shook his head. “I really do have things to take care of.”
    I went back to the table and sat. “Ryan and I were talking the other night about, like, stress levels. And he says the more you try to prepare for a big life event or whatever, the more you—”
    “Is there anything Ryan doesn’t know?” Dave was maybe trying to say it like he was teasing, but it didn’t work.
    I stared at him for a moment.
    Something was going on here that I was not down with. When I’d first met Ryan, he’d hung out with our entire group, and everyone seemed to get along with him. We’d even made him an associate member of the Subs Club, because he had pointed out that we should have a dom’s perspective in our discussions. Except he pretty much never came to meetings or hung out with all of us. And the others never begged me to invite him to do shit with us the way Miles and Gould and me always wanted to see D, and Gould and Dave and me loved chilling with Drix.
    “Probably not.” I shrugged. “I really like my boyfriend. What’s wrong with that? I love Drix and D, why can’t you guys respect Ryan?”
    Dave looked kinda guilty. “Ryan’s just a little—”
    Gould hit Dave’s shoulder. “Shut up.”
    “Ryan’s a little what?” I demanded.
    Dave opened his mouth again, but Gould glared at him.
    Since Gould was pretty much the only one of us Dave listened to, Dave backed down. “Sorry. Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to make this a thing. I was just observing that we’ve got a couple of crazy lovebirds on our hands. Which is cute. I’m glad for you, buddy.”
    But he looked unhappy, and now I felt uncomfortable—not angry, exactly, just . . . deflated or something. “A little what ?” I repeated.
    “A little blunt,” Dave said before Gould could stop him. “He barges into conversations and doesn’t think before he speaks, and . . .” He looked at Miles, like maybe he wanted backup.
    Well, that’s ironic, coming from you. I didn’t say it, though.
    “I gotta go.” I stood. “I’m supposed to go to the rock wall in like an hour. With Ryan .” I punched Dave

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