Magic in Our Hearts

Read Online Magic in Our Hearts by Jeanne Mccann - Free Book Online

Book: Magic in Our Hearts by Jeanne Mccann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeanne Mccann
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary, Lesbian, (v4.0), Women Physical Therapists, Lesbian Couples
both of the women who took care of Brett’s home and was told that dinner would be served whenever she wanted since Brett didn’t take regular meals. The two women were as different as night and day. Fran was tall and slender, with dark brown hair interspersed with grey. Helen was short and stocky, due largely to her incredible cooking skills and her healthy appetite. Her hair was mostly grey, peppered with a few light brown strands and tied up on her head in a casual knot. Both women were loyal to Brett and wanted nothing more than to help Taylor help her recover.
    “What can we do?” Fran and Helen sat at the kitchen table with Taylor. Roselin had left her with the two women and promised to call Taylor later that evening.
    “You can help me get Brett on a regular schedule of meals and exercise. She needs structure to help her get back on track. She also needs to stop drinking and get the alcohol out of her system.”
    “Good luck! She’s usually drunk by midday, and she doesn’t eat a thing.” Fran remarked. She and Helen had all but given up trying to keep Brett from drinking.
    “She will have to come around in time. Helen, do you mind if I work with you on some menus? I’ve found that good, healthy food, heavy on protein, helps with the recuperation.” Helen was a sixty-year-old Welsh woman whom Taylor liked immediately. She lived in the house in separate quarters attached to the back of the kitchen. Fran did most of the housekeeping and went home to her husband at the end of the day. It was not difficult to keep the place spic and span, except for Brett’s bedroom. She wouldn’t let Fran or Helen into her room.
    “I’ll do anything miss, if you can get some food into that one. She’s skin and bones and refuses to eat anything at all most days. When she does eat, she just picks at things. I’ve tried everything I know how to do.”
    “She’ll eat,” Taylor announced with determination. Brett was going to get better, even if it killed Taylor. She was firmly resolved about what she had to accomplish.
    “Can you get her to let Fran clean that pit of a room she hides in? It’s filthy, and the only time she lets us in is when her mother forces her to. It’s a crime for her to live like this.”
    “She’ll let you clean it. Brett doesn’t know it yet, but I can be just as stubborn as she is,” Taylor remarked, her blue eyes sparking.
    “Good luck, Ms. Taylor. We love her and it’s sad to see her drinking so heavily.”
    “How does she get her alcohol?” 
    “We pick it up with the groceries and things. If we don’t pick it up she has it delivered or a friend will drop it off.”
    “As of today, no more alcohol is coming into this place. If she asks you to get any more, come to me. I’ll deal with her.” Taylor hurried out of the kitchen intent on locating Brett and speaking directly to her. Fran and Helen exchanged grins as they watched her heading in the direction of what they called Brett’s dungeon. They were expecting an imminent explosion.
    “There are going to be some fireworks around here,” Helen commented, as she watched Taylor wrench the door open.
    “It’s about time,” Fran responded, as they both steeled themselves for Brett’s tantrum.
    Taylor entered the dim room and hesitated in order to get her bearings. It was obviously a room that functioned as a bedroom, entertainment, and workout room. It was also obvious that the fully functional gym was not being used. Dirty clothes hung off the weights, and there was a layer of dust covering everything.
    The draperies were pulled shut, even though it was early afternoon, the beautiful view totally blocked. She saw the bottle of Scotch next to Brett’s hand, as she lay slumped in a chair, her head on a filthy table. Taylor approached her quietly and realized that Brett was sleeping or passed out, evidence of tears on her face.
    “Oh, honey what’s happened to you?” Taylor whispered as she moved closer to the unconscious

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