Lycan Redemption

Read Online Lycan Redemption by S. K. Yule - Free Book Online

Book: Lycan Redemption by S. K. Yule Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. K. Yule
sitting on the bed beside Patrick and took the cup from Myka. He put a few drops of the peppermint in the tea, then leaned toward Patrick.
    Galen waited until he stared up at him through fever-glazed eyes.
    “You need to chew these pills and drink as much of this tea as you can. It will make you feel better. Do you think you can do that for me?”
    Patrick nodded weakly, and Myka helped him sit up by propping some pillows behind him. Galen felt much better ten minutes later, when Patrick had drunk three-quarters of the tea and taken the pills. He helped him get comfortable, then pulled the covers up to his chin before taking the near-empty cup to the kitchen. Afterward, he stopped by the bathroom to get a cold rag and returned to Patrick’s room, where he placed the rag across his forehead.
    “Thank you,” Myka said. She was still sitting beside Patrick, his head now resting on her shoulder.
    “Don’t thank me yet. It’ll be a couple hours before we know for sure if his fever is going to stay down.”
    “How did you know about the peppermint?”
    “I’ve always liked and spent a lot of time in nature. You pick up things.”
    “Oh. Well, I’m glad I had some.”
    “Me too. I had nearly run out of hope of finding anything when I came across it.”
    Patrick’s skin didn’t appear quite as pale, and his cheeks weren’t as red as they had been earlier. He slept without much fussing, which was a good sign to Galen. Myka shifted and let Patrick rest against the pillows before tucking the covers loosely around him. Just as she got off the bed, the phone began to ring in the other room.
    “I’ll stay with him,” Galen said when she looked at Patrick worriedly.
    She nodded and left the room.
    Galen reached out and touched Patrick. He was even cooler now than when he’d applied the peppermint to his chest. They weren’t out of the woods quite yet, but he was confident that the fever would stay down.
    “Yes. We already did that, Doc.” Myka spoke into the phone as she came back into Patrick’s room.
    She had a thermometer in the other hand, pressed a button on it, and stuck it into Patrick’s ear. A few seconds later, it beeped.
    “It’s down to one hundred point four. Yes. Yes. Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.” She hung up the phone.
    “Good news?” Galen asked.
    “Doc says as long as his fever doesn’t go back up to bring him in tomorrow. He said to continue with the acetaminophen and peppermint. He was impressed with the peppermint, by the way. He was sure that it was what finally brought down the fever. When I took it earlier, it was almost one hundred and four.”
    “I’m glad I could help.”
    She swayed before she sat down on the edge of the bed.
    “Hey. You are exhausted. You should get some sleep.”
    “I can’t. I have to watch him.”
    “I’ll watch him.”
    “I can’t ask you to do that,” she protested.
    “You aren’t asking. I’m offering. Besides, he’s doing better, and unless his fever goes back up—which I don’t believe it will—he’ll probably sleep for a few hours.”
    “I could use a nice hot bath and a couple hours of sleep.” She yawned.
    “You sit here, and I’ll run you a bath.”
    She had to be extremely exhausted to so readily accept his help. It wasn’t that he didn’t think she trusted him, but the motherly instincts in her demanded that she tend to Patrick personally. He was honored that she was comfortable enough with him to let him stay with Patrick while she slept. He went to the bathroom and ran a steamy bath for her to soak in, then went back to Patrick’s room.
    “The bath is ready for you.”
    She looked up at him. The relief in her eyes washed through him like gentle waves. When she burrowed tightly against him, then rested her head against his chest, he wrapped his arms around her and held her.
    “He’s even cooler now. I can never thank you enough for your help, Galen. I don’t know what I would have done without

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