Lucky Chance

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Book: Lucky Chance by Marissa Dobson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marissa Dobson
did because I couldn’t stop myself. The pain in your eyes as you remembered what happened to him was unbearable. I don’t know the whole story, and I doubt that I ever will, but after I told you Kyle was the one who recommended you, I did some research. I found out what little I could, but because of the way you looked when I mentioned he was here, I know there’s more. Maybe one day you’ll tell me, and maybe you won’t, but that doesn’t change us.”
    “How can it not?”
    “Because I know you’ll never hurt me or this baby. I love you, Lucky.” Tears glistened in her eyes. “Now, he’s waiting outside.”
    “You left him outside?”
    “It was his idea. He could tell by the fact I didn’t know who he was that we hadn’t been told he’d arrived a few hours ago, or that he was even coming. He wanted me to have a few minutes to prepare you.”
    Even with notice, he wouldn’t have been prepared. It had been more than a year since he’d seen or even heard from Kyle. That last visit at the hospital, Kyle had told him not to return, that he could no longer look at his Gunnery Sergeant. He felt he’d failed him. To Lucky, Kyle had never failed, but the young Private First Class wouldn’t listen. He wanted to wallow in the guilt and grief, and nothing Lucky could say would change that. The PFC had lost a friend and sustained injuries that would change his life forever, but it was Lucky who had to deal with the guilt of making the decision to go off road to retreat. His decision had changed the lives of many that day.
    “Let’s go let him in.”
    She shook her head and stepped aside. “You go. I think the two of you need a bit of time to yourselves. I’m going to take my milkshake into the office. When you’re done, find me.”
    He stood there for a moment and watched as she grabbed the milkshake before strolling toward her office. Everything in him wanted to stop her, pull her into his arms, and kiss her, but he needed to face Kyle. He promised himself Maddie would be his reward. I’m coming for you, Maddie, and you’re going to be mine.
    He pulled open the front door, and there before him was the Marine he’d once thought was gone for good. A smile stretched across his face, and he was standing. The changes a year made. He almost didn’t believe it was Kyle, but the sea green eyes were unmistakable.
    “Shocked that I’m here?” When Lucky didn’t say anything, Kyle proceeded. “The last time I saw you, I was ready to give up. I didn’t see any reason for living. Not when I was down to one arm and one leg. I was half the man I was, but that all changed.”
    “I can’t believe it.” Lucky stepped back. “Come in.”
    “Well, believe it. I’m alive because of you. Your parting words had me so angry that they called in someone to speak with me.”
    Lucky shut the door before turning back to him. “I’m not sure why I’m to credit for you being alive.”
    “Because four months ago I married her. She came into my life to ease the anger, guilt, and regret. She showed me I was still a man, and she fell in love with me. If it wasn’t for you turning my self-pity into anger, I’d have never met her, and wouldn’t be here.”
    “Here…as in Colorado, and doing this competition?” He let out a deep laugh and shook his head. “Damn, I should have kept my mouth shut and let you kill yourself.”
    “Gunny, there are plenty of Marines who could use the ten thousand you could win for them, and there’s no one better to do this than you.” Kyle waited until they were in the living room, and had taken seats, before adding, “I nominated you for this not as some payback, but because we need someone like you fighting for us.”
    “I cooked for you guys because I enjoyed it. I never wanted any recognition for it.”
    He nodded, and leaned back on the sofa. “I’ve learned sometimes we don’t get what we want, but in the end it turns out better than you expected.”
    I guess I can’t blame

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