Read Online LOVING ELLIE by Lindsey Brookes - Free Book Online

Book: LOVING ELLIE by Lindsey Brookes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindsey Brookes
to her stomach.  “On second thought, you aren’t driving yourself to work today.”
    “I don’t have a choice.”
    “Today you do.  I’ll take you.  Just give me a few minutes to finish up here.”
    As if she needed him to drive her to work.  “That’s not necessary.”
    He paused in what he was doing to pin her with his gaze.  “I say it is.”  Then his expression softened.  “Please, Ellie.  Let me do this for you.  For the baby.”
    The roads were bad.  She glanced toward the rental Jeep parked at the edge of the drive leading to the house.  Just as Jarrett’s boots were safer than her own in the snow, Lucas’s Jeep would, without argument, take to the deep snow-covered roads better than her own car.  Her gaze shifted downward.  She had the baby growing inside her to think of.
    “Fine,” she said with a resigned sigh.  “You can run me into town.  But we’re not going to make a habit of it.”     
    A sound, something like a chuckle, rumbled in the air around him.  But she couldn’t tell for sure as Lucas was working his way around the corral, his back to her.
    She watched as he gave each of the snow-topped rails a firm shake. Curious, she stepped up to the fence, leaning onto one of the rails his glove had wiped clean.  “What are you doing?”
    “Making sure it’s sturdy.”
    She had no doubt it would be.  Jarrett had put a lot of time into the upkeep of the ranch.  He’d loved the place.  Just as her child might have someday if things have ended up differently she thought as she ran a hand over her stomach. 
    As she stood watching him, she found herself glad he was there.  That anyone was there.  Other than Blaine’s morning stops to help with the animals, it had been a while since she’d had any real visitors at the ranch.  Granted there had been plenty right after Jarrett’s accident.  They came and went non-stop, bringing food to the ranch and offering her their condolences.  And while she had always been more of a loner, she had to admit those visits had helped ease her loneliness.
    About a week after Jarrett’s memorial, when visits from neighbors and friends tapered off, she was left to deal with the unexpected loss of her closest friend all by herself.   
    It was so unfair that her son would never have the chance to know his father.  Jarrett had loved their child from the moment he’d found out she was pregnant.  Unlike her parents had her.
    “Ellie?  You okay?”
    She looked up to find Lucas standing beside her.  Her hand fell away from her stomach as she met his worried frown.  “Just a little tired. I didn’t sleep well last night.”
    “Let’s get you back to the house to warm up before I take you into town.”  He clapped his hands together, knocking the excess snow from his leather gloves.  Then he slid a supportive arm around her waist.
    She looked down at his gloved hand on her waist.  The gesture, though well intended, felt almost too intimate, too easy between them as he walked her back to the house.
    “So did it pass inspection?” she asked as they stepped up onto the porch.
    “Never doubted it would,” he answered with a smile.  “I helped Jarrett build it.  That doesn’t mean years of harsh winters couldn’t have taken their toll on it.”
    “And they haven’t?”
    “Solid as a rock.”
    “That’s a relief.”  She never realized there were so many things that could nickel and dime a person to death, but she was learning fast.    
    A car turned up the long, winding drive, drawing their gazes that direction.
    “It’s Blaine,” Ellie said, raising her hand in a friendly wave.
    Blaine Cooke, Eagle Ridge’s sheriff, had been Jarrett’s closest friend.  Like her, he’d taken Jarrett’s death hard.  Especially since he’d had to be the one to drive out to the ranch the night of the accident to deliver the devastating news to her.
    “I know,” Lucas answered beside her.
    Of course he would.  The

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