Love Left Behind

Read Online Love Left Behind by S. H. Kolee - Free Book Online

Book: Love Left Behind by S. H. Kolee Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. H. Kolee
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary, Romantic
to protest. The thought
of breaking contact didn't even cross my mind as I eagerly matched his passion.
    Jackson was the one who
finally broke the kiss, his harsh breathing showing how much he had been
affected by the kiss.
    "Jesus," he said
with a hint of amusement in his voice. "You don't need any training
lessons in kissing."
    I laughed as I leaned
back so that I could look at him. "I think we should go to dinner before
we scandalize the gym patrons."
    Jackson quirked his
mouth. "The walls are so thin here, it's not exactly the best place for
    Jackson walked over to
his desk and opened a drawer, pulling out my bag.
    "Bathroom's right
down the hall. I'll wait for you in the lobby."
    I gave Jackson a quick
smile. "Okay."
    "Don't take too
long." Jackson gave me a slight tap on my bottom and I gave him a look of
censure. I couldn't help laughing when he just shrugged his shoulders with a
    I had slipped on my
black skirt and was freshening up my makeup when Allison walked into the bathroom.
    "Hi!" she
said cheerily when she saw me. "How was your training session?"
    "Good!" I
said, flushing a little. "Great, actually. I'm looking forward to working
out here."
    "I'm sure you
are," she replied with a wink. "I knew something more than a training
session was going on when Jackson had me clear his schedule for tonight."
    "He did?"
    "Yeah, he said he
wasn't sure what time his new client was coming in so he wanted to make sure he
was available. Of course, that's not normal protocol for a client so I was able
to weasel out of Jackson that it was actually a date."
    I felt a flood of
pleasure at her words. The fact that Jackson thought I was important enough to
clear his schedule was flattering. Then I frowned as I thought it through.
    "I hope he doesn't
get in trouble," I said, worried. "I'm sure it's not looked highly
upon to clear your schedule for just one person. Especially for someone who's
not even paying for a training session."
    "Oh, don't worry
about it," Allison said airily as she leaned closer to the mirror to
reapply lipstick. "Jackson is such a popular trainer that he brings hordes
of clients in. The owner's just happy to have him on staff."
    "I guess that's
okay then." I was relieved because I didn't want to cause Jackson any
grief in his job. I knew that he was a struggling actor and this was probably
his main source of income.
    "See you
later," I said, packing up my things and heading out of the bathroom.
    "Have fun!"
Allison said enthusiastically, not looking at me as she concentrated on applying
    I couldn't help feeling
a tingle of excitement when I saw Jackson waiting for me in the lobby. He had
changed into jeans and a blue button-down shirt that was untucked and cuffed at
the sleeves. He looked casual and delicious, and it thrilled me to no end that
this hunk of a man was waiting for me.
    Jackson grinned as he
caught sight of me. He reached down and rubbed the fabric of my sheer skirt
between his fingertips.
    "I like
    Jackson looked up and
smiled. "My imagination is getting the better of me."
    I looked at him with
mock sternness. "Dinner, remember?"
    "Oh, I
remember," he replied, letting go of my skirt and grabbing my hand.
"Let's go."

    Chapter Four
    "Wait a
second," I protested. "I thought we were going to a restaurant."
    "Welcome to Chez
Reynard," Jackson said with a devilish grin.
    We were standing
outside his apartment building as I struggled with whether it was a good idea
to go inside Jackson's apartment. As much as I was planning on having a fling
with him, I wasn't sure if I was ready for a one night stand considering the
only person I had ever slept with was Sean.
    "I'm not sure this
is a good idea," I said hesitantly.
    "I'm not a serial
killer, honest." Jackson held out his hands in supplication. "Just
ask Claire."
    I rolled my eyes.
"That's not what I'm worried about."
    "Concerned that
you can't keep your hands off me?" Jackson asked with a wolfish

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