Love Begins with Fate

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Book: Love Begins with Fate by Lindsey Owens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindsey Owens
you know!” He yelled as he raced up beside her.
    “I don’t Ryder, now drop it.” Kelsey snapped.
    “I can’t he’s my friend and I promised to help him. I want to know. Is she a friend of yours or something?” Ryder pushed.
    “Well you’re asking the wrong person, now if you would excuse me…” Kelsey said as she shut her bedroom door in Ryder’s stunned face.
    “Kelsey!” Ryder hissed from the far side of the door but soon he gave up and stomped away.
    Kelsey didn’t know what else to do with herself but scream into her pillow. She had refused to tell her brother who the girl was because she knew he would freak out and that she couldn’t deal with right now.
    Kelsey pulled out her homework and began to finish it up before dinner. Soon she made her way downstairs making herself something to eat then made her way to her room once again.
    She popped the assigned homework movie into her dvd player then grabbed a pad of paper and pen to make notes.
    She continued to the movie while she ate. Eventually she fell asleep with her head smashed into her notepad.

    Chapter 12
    The weeks and days went by horribly slow. Kelsey turned in her homework, dragged herself from class to class, and scared the crap out of the annoying students who continued to stare at her truck.
    She had effectively avoided her brother and PJ for nearly the entire time, with the exception of those Monday and Friday nights when Ryder begged her to go to dinner with him. She had quickly refused and told him she was having dinner with Hannah or having her stay the night.
    When Friday of the third week finally came along she was eager to get home and relax with Hannah. They had planned a sleep over and she couldn’t wait. Ryder’s car had needed to go into the shop today so she had had much choice but to drive him to school, thus when she was out of school she had to wait for him as well.
    “Tell me why we have to wait for your brother when he has a car of his own…” Hannah questioned. She was obsessed with Ryder but she was eager to get away from the school.
    “I had to drop him off today, so I need to pick him up.” Kelsey said as the two girls walked to the school door. “His car’s in the shop. I guess he is getting the windows tinted.”
    “Wow…” Hannah breathed. “His car is sweet. With tinted windows it would be more amazing.”
    “Yeah, I don’t know why he hadn’t thought of it sooner, but hey.” Kelsey shrugged. “He said we can wait for him in the bleachers. I don’t mind if you don’t, I got some homework I can work on.” Kelsey suggested.
    “Sure…” Hannah replied “But you won’t be working on homework. Have you seen these guys practice?” Hannah questioned with one eyebrow raised up.
    “Uh… only before school why?” Kelsey replied.
    “ Kels, they are just some of the hottest guys in the school and they will all have their shirts off.” Hannah sighed.
    “Oh… well, I have seen enough guys with their shirts off lately.” Kelsey said remembering the guys in the gym class and the club incident with PJ.
    Thinking back about it, she was beginning to feel pretty horrible for evading PJ. He had been working diligently searching for her. He had tried speaking on top of a lunch table in the cafeteria the other day, then on Wednesday he had spoke over the intercom asking for information on the mystery girl, and he had hijacked the morning television announcements. Today on the other hand PJ had been asking everyone who passed him if they had noticed who he was hanging around with at the club.
    The thing was that Kelsey had changed her hair back to its natural brown color, alwa ys wore her glasses, and very seldom dressed how Hannah had wanted her to. There didn’t seem to be much of a chance for him to notice her.
    The two girls walked along the grass to where the bleachers were set beside the football field. Sure enough there they were; all of the guys had their shirts off and

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