Kiss Me Again
keep me busy. Lorelei and I have been talking about a second business, a food truck. But with the baby coming, she doesn't have the time. I might be able to help you with your new business if you're interested."
    Buck rubbed his shoulder and smiled. "Really? Because that would be awesome."
    Andee smiled. "I'd have to see your numbers, of course."
    "Of course." He opened up his arms and she moved into them, loving how she felt wrapped in his embrace. "It's such a relief to finally tell you," he whispered in her ear.
    "I'd feel pretty confident in saying that once the doors of communication are fully open and the channels are safe--even when the discussion is a hard one--areas of your life that might also be suffering will get better as well," added Reverend Parker.
    "I think he means you should wear your hooker boots to bed tonight," Buck whispered in her ear.
    "All right. Let's move on to the Normans. Lisa. Kevin. You all ready?" Reverend Parker picked up the box of tissues Andee had been using earlier and handed them to Kevin, who, Andee noticed, was hiding his face in his shoulder and looked to be crying.
    "I'm a terrible husband." He sniffed.
    "And father," Lisa added.
    "OK. Let's not attack anyone," encouraged Reverend Parker
    "This is going to be awful," whispered Andee.
    Buck nodded and held her tight.

EPILOGUE -Two Years Later
    With a gently push on the shovel's handle, Buck scooped up the sandy soil and tossed a soft mound into the wheelbarrow. He smiled at the photographer from the paper and waited for him to snap his picture.
    The small crowd clapped and Buck caught Andee's eye then winked.
    "Mr. Swift," the reporter called and waved him over. "A few questions, please."
    "Sure." He watched Andee walk toward him, her heels sinking in the soil, laughter on her lips as she made the journey.
    "Three stores in two years. That's incredible growth. This fourth store is the first outside of Lakeland. Care to share your secret for growth?"
    "Behind every good man is a better--and likely smarter--woman. At least, that's the truth in my case. When I told my wife I wanted to open the first Swift Oil and Auto, she pulled out her accountant's hat and mapped it out for me. She saw potential in ways I hadn't and knew when to take a risk when I hesitated. That's my secret. That and providing a quick, quality oil change and auto needs to people with busy lives. That's the goal of Swift Oil and Auto."
    "Thanks for your time," said the reporter, who ended the conversation with a handshake.
    Andee came up from the side, grabbed his arm for support. She lifted one shoe and tried to shake the dirt off the heel.
    "You look awfully hot in that skirt," he told her.
    Andee slid her foot in the shoe and pulled her blouse away from her chest, shaking it back and forth in hope of getting air movement. "Next time you break ground on a store, do it in winter."
    Buck slid his arm around his wife's waist. "That's not what I was talking about."
    Andee blushed and swatted him lightly at his chest. "Oh, Bucky."
    "But since you mentioned it, my pickup is right around the corner. It has A/C. We can go there and fool around. It'll be like old times. Like we're back in high school."
    "Or like last week when we did that after we walked the lake." The flame in her eyes matched the fire that burned inside him for her. Seventeen years with the same girl and he wouldn't change a thing. He was hers for life. She was his turtledove.
    "Kiss me," he said craving to taste her.
    She leaned into him, pressing her length to his and delivered a soft, sweet lingering kiss. When she pushed away he admired how sexy she wore her new business suit. But more than anything he loved the look she was giving him now, an open smile and inviting eyes.
    "Give me your keys," she said holding out her hand. "I'll meet you there in five minutes."
    "Deal." He passed over his keys, and when she turned away, he gave a light slap to her rear and pulled her back toward him. "Kiss

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