Keeping the Genie (Genie's Love, Book 3)

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Book: Keeping the Genie (Genie's Love, Book 3) by Dee J. Stone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dee J. Stone
you, I knew what I had to do. Send him back so he could bring you here. Now that you’re here, Lily, your training must begin.”
    “What kind of training are you talking about, exactly?”
    He gestures around. “Everyone here trains. You will, too, Sebastian. We don’t have magic and will have to rely on our arms and legs. Lily, you will practice magic as well as punching, kicking, that sort of thing.”
    “Like martial arts,” I say. “Cool, I’ve always wanted to try karate.”
    Renaya gives me a confused face. “Excuse me?”
    Sebastian says, “I’ll explain it to you later.” He turns to Alaric. “When do we start?”
    “Tomorrow morning. I expect the two of you to be well rested and up early.”
    Sebastian and I both nod, and Renaya and Alaric get to their feet. She heads for the door, after wishing both of us good night, while Alaric stands there before me. When I look up at him, I see something in his eyes, something I can’t identify. He bends forward and lightly kisses the top of my head. I’ve never had a dad, so this kind of feels strange, but good at the same time.
    “I’m glad you’ve changed your mind,” he tells me, his voice soft. “I know what I’m asking of you is crazy—”
    “It’s okay. I’d do anything to help the Ortarians. What they’re going through is terrible. No one should have to endure that.”
    Alaric pushes some of his curly white hair off his shoulders. “Thank you, Lily. You have no idea what this means to me. To all of us.”
    “I think I do.”
    “We’ll watch over you,” he promises. “We won’t send you after Sorenten unless you feel you’re ready.”
    I nod. “But I’d like to kill that bastard as soon as I can. Every second we waste causes more kids to die, more families to be torn apart, more people to suffer.”
    He runs his hand over my head. “I’m sorry I missed out on your childhood. I’ve always known you were wonderful, but you’re more than that. You’re compassionate and brave.”
    “Like her father,” Sebastian says, grinning.
    Alaric gives me an uneasy smile. I can tell how worried he is. I wish I could tell him not to be—he’s only making me nervous—but he’s my dad, so it’s his job to worry about me, I guess. “Sleep well, honey. You, too, Sebastian.”
    Sebastian lowers his head. “Thank you, my king.”
    Alaric nods before leaving. Once he’s sure the coast is clear, Sebastian pulls me to his chest. I can feel his heart pounding. Looking into his eyes, I ask, “What’s wrong?”
    He shakes his head, tightening his hold on me and practically fusing my nose with his chest.
    “Can’t breathe.”
    He loosens his hold. “I’m sorry, Lily. I’m just…not okay with this. As much as I want to be, I’m not.” He strokes my cheek. “If I were able to, I’d take your place and kill Sorenten.”
    I rest my palm on his chest. “I want to do this. Freaked out as I am, I feel like I need to. These people here…what they’ve been through…someone needs to help them.”
    “I know, I just…” His eyes fill with grief. “What if I lose you?” he whispers.
    I wrap my arms around his neck and press my lips to his. His hands go to my waist and he spins us around, lowering me to the bed and gently climbing on top of me. He kisses me hard, yet soft at the same time. I feel like we’ve gone years without kissing. Like we haven’t seen each other forever and we’re making up for all that lost time.
    “I love you,” I say, tangling my fingers in his hair. “Please don’t worry about me. I’ll train and I’ll be strong.” I force a smile. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”
    He doesn’t smile. “Words can’t describe how much I love you.”
    I pull him close. “Then show me.”

Chapter Nine
    Sebastian’s arm is wrapped around my stomach when I wake up the next morning. I snuggle up to his chest, remembering how wonderful last night was. Every time I feel like I can’t get closer to him,

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