Kaden (Recherché series)

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Book: Kaden (Recherché series) by Brit Lauren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brit Lauren
grandparents, and my parents are good people, but not like Penelope. She’s that person that everyone wishes were their grandmother. She lights up a room, makes inappropriate comments at the most inappropriate times and just generally lives life to the full.
    “I didn’t know you could dance.” She says breathlessly.
    “My mum made me take lessons. I hated every minute of it. Until Emery Kyte kissed me behind the stage curtains when I was seven.” I smile. “Then I got a bit more enthusiastic.”
    “You were an early ladies man.”
    I cock an eyebrow, glancing down at her. “Did you expect anything less?”
    She smiles and rests her cheek against my chest as we rock to the music. “No, my dear. I expect you to have the world at your feet.”

    The hotel room door clicks open and I turn away from the window to face Kaden.
    He’s usually immaculate, his suit perfectly ironed, the knot in his tie exactly symmetrical. Today though, he has no tie, and his normally tidy hair looks as though he literally just stepped out of the shower and dragged a hand through it. The top two buttons of his shirt are undone, the small triangle of tanned skin making an appearance. Dark eyes lock onto me, watching and waiting. Kaden is beautiful and with so much potential, but he’s a pleaser. Maybe it’s the fact that he’s an escort, maybe it’s just his age, or perhaps he was just raised to be a good boy. Whatever it is, I’m going to break him, slowly, bit by bit. I see it lurking, just behind his eyes, the ability to become something spectacular.
    I approach him and reach out, tracing my nail from his throat to the top button of his shirt. I start to undo the buttons, watching as the pale blue material parts, giving way to smooth, silky skin over tight, hard muscles. I watch his expression as I yank his belt open. His lips press together and his eyes narrow ever so slightly. This is what makes him such an exciting prospect. He likes what I do to him, whilst hating it at the same time. He gives up control to please, until I’m fucking him, pushing him, breaking him…and then he fights it like a caged animal. It’s a beautiful thing to watch, and of course, the more riled he is, the better he is when I finally unleash him. He’s nearly ready. Nearly.
    I trail my palm over the smooth, warm skin of his stomach. His eyes shift from my eyes to my lips and back again. I smirk when he leans in and press my index finger against his lips. His lips curl and he cocks a brow incredulously. Yes, he’s so very nearly ready. I thrust my hand in his boxers and wrap a hand around his cock. His eyes flash and his nostrils flare as I squeeze him hard. I scrape my teeth over my bottom lip, smirking when I see his forearms tense as his fists clench tightly. I can see the internal war written all over his face, and all I want is for him to win, to break free of my commands and act regardless.
    I move my hand up and down his cock and he throws his head back, swallowing heavily. The muscles in his neck cord and his Adam’s apple bobs. I release his cock and start to shove his trousers and boxers down when his phone starts ringing in his front pocket.
    “Ignore it.” He says in a throaty voice. No sooner has it rung off than it rings again, and again. I’m paying him five grand and he can’t turn his phone off?
    I sigh heavily. “Answer it or turn it off.” I snap, turning away from him and placing my hands on my hips.
    He picks it up and I ignore his hushed whispers until I feel his fingers trail my arm. “Melanie, I’m so sorry but I have to go.” I turn and see the panic on his face.
    I stare at him for a second. “Fine. Go.”
    “I’m sorry.” He says, pulling his shirt back on and fastening his trousers. “I’ll see you on Friday?”
    “Just go, Kaden.”
    He offers me one last regretful look and then he’s gone. There’s a reason I hire escorts, and it’s so I don’t have to deal with let downs or excuses. I

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