Just Stay

Read Online Just Stay by Mika Fox - Free Book Online

Book: Just Stay by Mika Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mika Fox
level. He glances at the clock above the door; its hands are moving at an agonizingly slow pace.
    He can't wait to get out of here, can't wait to pack up his notes and books and hurry out through that door. Can't wait to get out of this stuffy lecture hall and get some fresh air.
    He can't wait to see Evan.
    It's not as though he hasn't seen Evan recently; after spending Friday night together and just hanging out, they hung out a lot during the weekend, too. They watched movies, played videogames, ate pizza, alternating between Seb's dorm and Evan's. And now, it's Tuesday. Which means it has already been almost two days since Seb last saw him. Two days. He can't believe he went for longer than that without really even thinking about Evan, before. How can he not think about him?
    It's late afternoon, and almost an hour of the lecture left. Seb is busy scribbling random doodles in his notepad, when he hears a small tap behind him, followed by a very hushed shit . He turns around, noticing that someone behind him has dropped their pen, and he picks it up. It's only when he looks up and reaches up to hand it back to them, that he half-freezes.
    "Thanks," the girl says, before pausing. Then she remembers. "Hey, Seb."
    Seb doesn't reply, only half-smiles. It's Clara, her auburn hair pulled up in a messy knot at the back of her head, and Seb tries not to feel too awkward about the fact that last time he saw her, she kissed him. She smiles, seemingly not at all bothered, herself.
    "Haven't seen you in a while," she says, dropping her voice to a whisper. "How are you?"
    "I'm good," Seb whispers back, and she nods. He hesitates for a moment, wondering if he should ask something back, turn back around or just sit there and stare. Clara saves him the trouble of deciding.
    "How did your assignment go?" she asks, and Seb remembers that they have more than this class together.
    "I think it went pretty well," he says, even though he has no way of knowing. "You?"
    She makes a face.
    "Not the most inspiring stuff," she admits. "But I think I passed."
    Seb nods slowly, again wondering what the hell he's supposed to say, when the lecturer clears his throat.
    "No talking, please," he says, and Seb turns back in his seat, facing the board. He doesn't reply, only gives a sheepish look, while Clara says sorry in a low voice behind him. The lecturer seems content with that, and keeps going.
    The rest of the lecture doesn't move much faster and is very uneventful, but eventually, it finally finishes, and Seb gathers up his things as everyone gets up to leave. He's just about to stand up and sling his bag over his shoulder, when a slender, pale hand slaps something down on the desk in front of him, and he looks up. Clara is already hurrying down the stairs from her seat, her back turned to him, and Seb looks down.
    She left him a note, and he picks it up and opens it. There is a phone number written on there, signed by Clara, and Seb just stares at it for a moment. And then its hit him; a girl just gave him her number. He's pretty sure that has only happened once or twice in his entire life, before.
    He swallows down the weird sense of satisfaction he feels at it, before folding up the note again and shoving it in his pocket, and leaving the lecture hall.
    Despite only having been at Evan's place a couple of times, Seb's feet seem to know exactly where to go, all on their own, and before long, he's standing in front of Evan's dorm room, knocking.
    "It's open!" Evan calls from inside, and Seb lets himself in. Evan is seated on the couch, eyes fixed on the TV that usually stands lined up against the wall to save space, but which he occasionally pulls out into the room when he needs to. He's holding a Playstation 3 controller, but as soon as he sees Seb, he throws up his hands.
    "Dude," he exclaims. "Finally! Do you have any idea how boring it is to play this game by yourself?"
    "Actually, I do," Seb says, dumping his bag on the floor and making his

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