Just Perfect

Read Online Just Perfect by Lynn Hunter - Free Book Online

Book: Just Perfect by Lynn Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn Hunter
behind it.  What was his problem?
    He practically dragged her to her car and then turned her so
her back was against it and he faced her. 
    “What are you doing?”  His sounded irritated...no...
exasperated.  Her spine stiffened.
    “Excuse me?” 
    “Did you come here to get a job?”
    “That's none of your business, Sam.” She snapped.  Did he
think he owned her now because of what they did yesterday? 
    “You can't work here.”  He sounded firm as though that was
the end of it.
    She was dumbfounded. “Excuse me?”  she repeated.  Her heart
beat wildly in her chest.  “You have no right to tell me what to do.”  How dare
he tell her what to do.  She took a deep breath trying to calm her frazzled
nerves.  “Things got a little out of hand yesterday, Sam, but that doesn't give
you the right to tell me what to do.”  She licked her lips. “I had a weak
moment but don't want to do it again.” Lie, lie.
    “Did you like the way I touched you, Lily?” His rough voice
made her shiver.
    “What?”  She hadn't expected him to actually bring up
yesterday's activities.
    “Did you like the way I made you feel?”
    Lily's eyes swept the parking lot. “Sam, this isn't the
    “You're right.  I'll pick you up for dinner at seven.”
    “Dinner, Lily. Seven o'clock.” His voice broke no argument.
    She crossed her arms over her chest, “I can't Sam.  I don't
want to date.  I have a son at home that needs me.”
    “Your son is going to need you when you're in this shit hole
waiting tables too, Lily.  What?  You're going to leave as soon as he gets home
from school to come here to work then go back when he's already asleep?  Yeah,
that's being there for him.”
    Sam knew he'd been as asshole many times in his life but
this took the cake.  She jerked as if he's slapped her then all the color left
her face.
    With a curse, he reached for her and she yanked her arm away
so violently he thought she would fall.  Rather than cause a scene in front of
the diner he let his hands drop.
    “Stay away from me, Sam,” she said with a trembling
    “Lily-” he paused.  What was he going to say?  That he was
sorry?  He wasn't sorry for what he said, just how he said it.  “I'll give you
time to calm down.”
    She threw him a glare over her shoulder as she snatched the
car door open.  Judging by the look on her face, she wasn't going to calm down
anytime soon.  She left him standing there in the parking lot, looking like an
idiot, as she pulled away.
    He went back inside and took his seat across from Dean.
    “You're right.  Your no charm method works wonders. 
She looked about ready to fall at your feet.”  Dean was already done with his
breakfast and starting on Sam's.  “Sam,” he gestured with his, or Sam's, toast.
“She might not like you.”
    Sam found his first smile. “She likes me just fine,” he
remembered the way she clung to him the day before.  There was plenty of
attraction there, she was just fighting it.
    Dean chuckled. “If you say so.  You should try to get her to
relax before you do the This is how you should do things lecture.”
    He could get her to relax if only he could get his hands on
    “Dean, I'm thinking of buying a bigger house.”

Chapter 7.
    Lily fumed all the way home.  How dare he talk to her like
that.  He didn't know anything about her.  She didn't want to spend less
time with her son.  She was trying to save their home.  She didn't want
Johnathan to have more change in his life.  He needed consistency.  She would
do whatever she could do to provide that.  The only problem was she never
worked outside of the house before.  She only had a GED, which she got when she
was pregnant with Johnathan.  After that, she learned all she could about cakes
with the idea she would have her own business.  And she did, sort of.  She
wouldn't give up.  She was young, healthy, and smart....

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