Jackie Draws A Straight: The Journey Series Book 5

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Book: Jackie Draws A Straight: The Journey Series Book 5 by Patricia Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia Green
truck but when you didn't come up, I thought maybe I ought to give you some time to settle things with Jackie and your dad."
    Ace closed the door and strode into the room. A soft white light shone on his favorite reading chair, and the brightly colored counterpane had been pulled to the foot of the big bed. A small table light illuminated Gabby's e-reader. The room smelled like summer peaches. Gabby's scent. Although the room had always been his, it was now very much hers, too. It warmed him to share it with her. It wouldn't have been right not to.
    " It's all straightened out, li'l girl," he told her. "Jackie did wrong and I think Dad must have given her what for over it."
    "She was at the doctor's house?"
    "Yep. And somehow, he'd gotten her to take off her underwear."
    "No kidding?"
    He nodded, unbuttoning his shirt and tossing it onto his chair. Ace sat down on it as he pulled off his boots and socks. "I don't know what she'd got up to. Not sure I want to know."
    "I'll find out."
    Hands at the waistband of his jeans, he shot her a slight frown. "You stay out of it, Gabby."
    "Don't you want to know?"
    "No. And you don't either."
    "Aw, but Ace…" She grinned. "Maybe it's something really interesting."
    He laughed, pulled off his jeans and shook a finger at his wife as he made his way into the bed. "None of our business, li'l girl. Move over."
    She scooted a little to one side. "You're cold."
    "You warm me up then."
    Giggling, Gabby pressed herself to his side as he lay down. Her hand snaked down on his abdomen, down his hard, rig i d belly and lower.
    "You lookin' for somethin'?"
    "Maybe," she said, a smile in her voice.
    Ace guided her hand to his penis and encouraged her. He got hard quickly as she stroked him. "Find what you're lookin' for?"
    "Maybe," she teased.
    "You have a talent," he said, pulling her tighter against him and stroking her hair and her back.
    "I had a good teacher."
    Ace knew that was him and it pleased him . "You got all them clothes on, li'l girl. What am I gonna do with this?" Their two hands worked on his erection together.
    "I can think of a few things."
    He laughed. "I'll jus' bet you can." Rolling over, he pressed her down into the bed and lifted her camisole above her full breasts. Her nipples were hard and ready for his mouth. Little moans crept from Gabby as he laved and sucked those tender peaks. He bit slightly and she arched. Ace rose to his knees and pulled her shorts off her. The sweet scent of her body caressed his nostrils, and he kneaded her breasts, loving their soft heaviness and weight in his hands. She was a handful, his woman. Soft and comfortable as a lambskin rug.
    Gabby reached for his hard cock and stroked firmly. "Mmm. Yummy."
    His voice lowered an octave. "You want a taste?"
    "Yes. But not until after."
    He laughed. Gabby's sensuality never ceased to amaze him. Now she'd developed a taste for herself on his prick. That he could do. Gliding his hands down to the apex of her thighs, he spread her legs wider and smoothed her from knee to pussy. She was wet as he slid his fingers through her folds and she moaned and pressed her hips up to encourage him. "You are a wanton woman, Gabriella Journey," he said softly.
    "What do you do with a wanton woman?" she whispered, her eyes feverish as she looked at him. Her little fingers teased her nipples as she encouraged him with her hips.
    "I might have to spank her, if she's wanton enough." More wetness coated his fingers as he slid two into her sheath. Gabby's breath was coming faster and her fingers were plucking at her nipples like instrument strings.
    "God, Ace, please…"
    As he was moving in and out of her with one hand, he used his other to find and manipulate her swollen clit. She made a soft sound as he touched her there.
    "You want somethin'?"
    She groaned. "You know what I want."
    "Wanton and demanding. Naughty."
    Her answer was to grind her hips up against his hands.
    "Turn over."
    Gabby flipped onto hands and knees and

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