[Invitation to Eden 04.0] Hydrotherapy

Read Online [Invitation to Eden 04.0] Hydrotherapy by Suzanne Rock - Free Book Online

Book: [Invitation to Eden 04.0] Hydrotherapy by Suzanne Rock Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzanne Rock
Tags: Contemporary Romance, Erotic Romance
to the back of the ship, his cane making that annoying tapping sound as he walked.
    “Wait a minute,” Jenna said. “I thought the artifacts were going into the museum in the castle.”
    “If you want to give away your part of the treasure, then that’s your prerogative,” Simone said as she leaned farther over the edge of the boat. “But for me, I’m going to buy myself some bling with my part of the treasure.” She examined her long manicured nails. “The spa job is nice, but it would be nicer if I didn’t have to work at all.”
    Of course, Caine thought with disgust. Simone was widely known for trying to get out of work at the spa. It was probably why she and Rex got along so well.
    Jenna’s frustration flashed across her features. “You told me that you were giving the artifacts to the Master of the Island.”
    “We are.” Caine shoved his hands in his pockets and averted his gaze. “I just figured…” Figured what? That he’d show her some pretty bobbles and then she’d come running back into his arms? The idea had made sense to him yesterday, but now, watching Jenna’s features twist in anger, he realized it was going to take a lot more than a few coins to soften her toward him.
    “You figured that you steal from the hand that fed you—again,” she said when he didn’t continue.
    “No, not steal.” He took his hands out of his pockets and reached for her, but she stepped out of his grasp.
    “Then what would you call it, Caine? Because it sure looks like stealing to me.”
    “Finders keepers, my dear.” Simone’s chuckle sounded more like a wheeze.
    Rex snorted as he toyed with the ropes holding them to the dock. “Come on Simone. Give me a hand, here. If we wait for this lovers’ quarrel to be finished, then they’ll be no time for treasure.”
    Jenna shook her head at Caine as the boats motor started. The low hum filled the air, stirring up some gulls. “I suppose I should have expected this.”
    “What do you mean?”
    Jenna shifted her bag from one arm to the other. “Stabbing your employer in the back is nothing new for you, is it Caine?” She shook her head and glanced at the boat. “And to think I was starting to believe I had made a mistake about you taking the money.”
    “You did make a mistake,” he said as Jenna started to walk away. “Jenna, come back. I didn’t take the money.” God, what a mess. None of this had turned out the way that he had planned.
    “Hey cuz’, are you coming?” Rex called from the boat.
    Caine made a frustrated noise. “The skimming off the top was supposed to be a secret.”
    Rex stopped walking and turned back to face Caine. “It was a secret, but then you brought her in on it.” He pointed to Jenna and shrugged. “I figured that if you could have a girl, then I could, too.”
    “Treasure hunting has been canceled for today,” Caine shot over his shoulder as he hurried after Jenna.
    “Aw, I had my heart set on treasure,” Simone said.
    “Next time, baby,” Rex soothed. “I need Caine to help me with the equipment. For today, we’ll just go out and enjoy the sunshine and quiet. I have some fishing gear here.”
    “It’s in my truck,” Caine said over his shoulder.
    “Ooh, can you get it?” Simone asked.
    “Hell, I can’t walk back up that hill with my leg. We’ll just go for a ride,” Rex said. “Is that okay, baby?”
    “But I—” Simone’s nasally voice faded as Caine hurried up the path after Jenna. Her backside swished back and forth in front of his face, like a tempting piece of fruit.
    “Jenna, wait. Let me explain.”
    “Oh, I think you’ve explained enough for one day, don’t you?” She walked ahead of him, swinging her tempting ass and causing a stirring in his cock. “I can’t believe that you brought me here, Caine.”
    “Jenna, wait. Once you see the shipwreck—”
    Jenna stopped abruptly and turned to face him. “I don’t want anything to do with that stinkin’ excavation site.” Before

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