Interzone Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine #223

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Book: Interzone Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine #223 by TTA Press Authors Read Free Book Online
Authors: TTA Press Authors
Nazi chic in Germany, for example?"
    "Total freedom of expression is a state towards which mankind naturally tends. If it's blocked by artificial barriers like man-made laws, it will break them."
    "Yes, it would be nice if that were true. But freedom of expression is a state mankind has only been in for a hundred years or so. It is a recent aberration. If you annoy a market enough, your products will be ejected from that market. Would Captain Alencar here, for example, allow you to advertise your product in Brazil with the slogan ‘cut down a tree for Jesus'?"
    Alencar stiffened at the suggestion. The buyer, meanwhile, giggled playfully.
    "It's an idea, certainly. Theoretically, it would provide excellent product placement—"
    He was stopped in mid-sentence by a well-placed elbow from the plastic-faced lady, and looked in the direction she indicated. Alencar was watching him with deadly, unblinking attention, like a crocodile eyeing an antelope.
    "I'm a Doctor of proper psychology, Mr Creative,” said Mullen. “And I believe you just went too far."
    Alencar shook her head slowly, as if against pressure.
    "I would like to be able to say so, I really would, but I'm afraid sending these ladies and gentlemen away would still contravene my orders, Doctor Mullen, which are to ensure the great deal of public money that has gone into this facility is not wasted. I am afraid you have still so far failed to conclusively prove that Experiment 2308 is intelligent—"
    " That is simply not true —” said Mullen.
    "What is she doing now?” said one of the buyers. “Oooh! That's pretty!"
    2308 had changed. Symbols were flying across her skin like images on a liquid crystal TV. Recognizable symbols; the Roman alphabet. The same four letters, G, C, T, and A.
    "That's a set of nucleobases,” said Mullen. “Guanine, Cytosine, Thymine and Adenine. Has she ever been in the room with you while you've been making a presentation?"
    "That is not possible,” said De Santana.
    "Parrots imitate speech,” said Mullen.
    "PARROTS IMITATE SPEECH,” confirmed Polymath.
    "And for that reason, they are not normally allowed in Commission research centres,” said Alencar pointedly. “What are we looking at, Doctor De Santana?"
    De Santana squinted theatrically. “Well ... G, C, T, and A are the principal four bases in the DNA molecule—"
    A new set of irregularly shaped blobs resolved themselves on 2308. They seemed to be arranged in pairs, and in a set of ranks and files.
    "FORTY-SIX,” shrieked Polymath.
    Mullen inhaled in shock.
    "I have no idea what those are,” said De Santana.
    "Even I know what those are,” said Alencar. “How many other organisms have forty-six chromosomes, Doctor Mullen?"
    "It's not just humans,” said Mullen carefully. “Hares also have forty-six. And some deer. Probably a whole bunch of animals too. And, uh, some plants. And fungi. And bacteria.” She pointed to 2308's flank. “Uh, that does look a whole lot like an X/Y pairing, though. In the right place for a human karyogram."
    "So 2308 contains human DNA,” said Alencar; and as she said it, it became fact.
    "Ridiculous! We have 2308's genome on record for four generations—"
    "You have been using government money to conduct illegal experiments using human genetic material."
    "I have no idea where 2308 has obtained these images. It was confined to the laboratory since inception—"
    2308's skin changed colour again; a picture swam into view, with apparent difficulty. An eagle in a circular crest, holding, in its claws, a clutch of lightning bolts. Above it, the legend department of defense; beneath it, the legend united states of america. Beneath that, the words top secret and shirpa: semi-human infantryman research project (amazonas).
    "That is amazing ,” said Mullen, holding up a chunk of candied banana to the bars. 2308 shuffled far enough forward to lick the treat out of her hand with a rasplike tongue. “The resolution ... the detail ... your

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