
Read Online Incriminated by Maria Delaurentis - Free Book Online

Book: Incriminated by Maria Delaurentis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maria Delaurentis
Genovese—but never any proof. I mean, what better way to get back at me for leaving then killing my little brother, and his beautiful wife? But all this shit with you randomly showin' up, Michael suddenly rejoining the family… I knew somethin' was going on. And then wasn't that bitch the icing on the cake? I looked back at Genovese's death more critically, knowing what to look for now." His eyes found mine and took on a very serious expression, his hand gripping mine tightly.
    "Michael killed him, didn't he?" he said quietly, though I could tell he already knew the answer. I swallowed hard and stared at him, before answering with a slow nod.
    "And somehow you got mixed up in all of this? That's why that no good bitch was after you huh?"
    I sighed and took a deep breath, before giving Frankie an abridged version of exactly what Michael and I had gone through. I explained what happened at the club the first time I met Genovese, explained how Michael had kidnapped me, how we lured Genovese, how he brought me to his apartment, how Michael had shown up that night and how Genovese had died. The whole time Frankie's jaw was tight, his eyes boring into mine.
    "You got some serious gonads on you, you know that? The sheer fact that you dealt with all of that and somehow still get a smile on that pretty face when you see my nephew? Shit, the kid is lucky you haven't cut his dick off while he's sleepin’. Mother of God, how the fuck did he pull all this shit off?"
    He shook his head and mumbled something under his breath before patting my hand in a fatherly manner.
    "Well I think it'll make you happy to know the lunatic has already been locked up."
    "She has? How long have I been out?"
    "Less than a day, bambina. It's about 4 in the morning. I'm going to go check on Michael; I'll let the nurse know you're awake."
    He offered me that handsome smile before sauntering out of the room. I took a deep breath, surprised by the tears that immediately begun to fall. She was going to go to prison. Michael was going to be okay. I was going to be okay.
    Within ten minutes a plump, cheery older nurse with bright red hair came in. She checked my vitals and smiled widely, surprised by how quickly I was coming to. She pressed her hand to my face and turned it, alerting me to the stitches that ran from my forehead to my ear. Apparently I had hit a rock on the way down, big surprise there. Couldn't just fall and hit the grass, huh.
    She helped me stand up and let me walk around the room for a few moments, making sure my balance was on point. Once she was comfortable she asked if I wanted to visit Michael. My eyes lit up at his name, and I nodded quickly.
    "Alright dear, let me tie up that gown in the back and we'll get going." I dutifully turned and let her tighten the ties of my hospital gown before she slipped my IV onto a portable stand and led me to the ICU.
    Anxiety gripped at me as we made our way through the halls. I knew Frankie had already told me that Michael would be okay, but the idea of having to see him in the hospital bed made my stomach churn. She stopped outside of the room and gestured towards the door, offering me a smile.
    "You'll be alright, honey. Go on in."
    I stepped into the room slowly and smiled at Frankie and Elena who were sitting on a small loveseat, wrapped in each other's arms. Elena offered me a small wave, while Frankie winked and gestured towards the bed. I turned slowly and let my eyes rake over Michael's form. His eyes were closed, and there was a small monitor next to him beeping at a slow pace. I moved towards the bed slowly, taking a seat on the edge. I had to choke back the tears, forcing myself to remember that he was going to be just fine.
    I sat there for what seemed like hours, though I honestly had no idea of what time it was. Every now and then Elena or Frankie would leave the room, but they never spoke—they left me to contemplate the situation silently. After what had seemed like my fifteenth prayer,

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