In the Arms of Mr. Darcy

Read Online In the Arms of Mr. Darcy by Sharon Lathan - Free Book Online

Book: In the Arms of Mr. Darcy by Sharon Lathan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharon Lathan
Tags: Romance, Historical, Adult
was about the country surrounding Netherfield." The sarcasm was evident in Charles's voice. He shook his head, "It makes no sense whatsoever."
    "Who can understand a woman, eh, Darcy?" Richard said with a nudge to his cousin's booted foot. "Unfathomable creatures all, but we love them nonetheless. Here's to the fairer sex!" He lifted his glass toward Bingley and Darcy, who both laughed, Darcy shaking his head.
    "Pathetic. I do pity the woman who ensnares you, dear cousin. Now, if you both will excuse me a moment, I think my son needs to be put to bed." Darcy rose, Alexander a limp weight although he continued to suck sleepily on his first two fingers. Lizzy was approaching Caroline and Louisa as Darcy drew near.
    "Miss Bingley, Mrs. Hurst, forgive me for not properly greeting you sooner. It has been rather chaotic. Welcome to Pemberley and merry Christmas. Mr. Darcy and I are delighted to have you celebrate with us." She turned to her husband with a smile, laying one hand lightly on his arm.
    "Welcome, Miss Bingley, Mrs. Hurst. How long has it been, Mrs. Hurst? At least two years?"
    "Approximately, Mr. Darcy. Many things have altered. I do not believe I have ever seen Pemberley so elaborately adorned. It is lovely."
    Darcy smiled and bowed slightly, Alexander clutched securely. "Thank you. Many things have changed here at Pemberley, Mrs. Hurst, aside from the decorations."
    "So it seems. Congratulations on the birth of your son. He appears to be a healthy infant."
    "Quite healthy, and asleep and heavy." He turned to his wife. "Elizabeth, I will put him to bed. Pardon me ladies, I will return momentarily." And with another short bow, he left.
    Lizzy watched him depart with a happy smile, unconsciously releasing a sigh before turning her attention to her guests.
    "Mr. Darcy certainly is an attentive father," Caroline said. "Who would have thought him the type? Playing foolishly in plain sight of all and now attending to the task of carrying to the nursery! Do you not have a nanny for such things, Mrs. Darcy?"
    "We do, but as I recall stating many months ago within your hearing, Miss Bingley, we intend to provide for our child's needs as much as possible. It is a joy to do so, a joy we both treasure." She chose not to comment on the fact that Mr. Darcy was precisely the "type" to cater ridiculously to his loved ones, a fact Miss Bingley should be aware of given his long standing devotion to Mr. Bingley.
    "How was your sojourn in Essex? Jane said you spent over a month there at the Dandridge estate. I recall meeting Miss Dandridge at the soiree at Lord Calvin's. I was not aware she was a close friend of yours. I have a cousin who lives near Braintree and know how beautiful the countryside is thereabouts. Not particularly exotic or glamorous, but certainly refreshing and good for a horseback ride if nothing else."
    Caroline smiled. "Indeed. Thankfully, I do adore riding so was not too terribly bored. There were enough diversions to entertain." She finished softly with a faint flush spreading over her cheeks. Lizzy cocked her head in puzzlement, her musings interrupted by an exclamation from Kitty.
    "Can we finish opening presents now, please? Papa, this is from Mary and me."
    The revealing commenced. Lizzy sat beside a mildly paler Jane, squeezing her hand. The gentlemen assumed the roles of couriers, delivering labeled packages to the ladies. Every attempt was made to open neatly, one at a time, but enthusiasm occasionally overcame caution with ribbons and paper flying. Darcy rejoined a group in a state of moderate, lively chaos. Laughter was rampant with frequent jumping up to hug someone across the room, gifts being passed about for inspection, and exclamations of appreciation.
    Darcy stood beside his wife, hand warm on her shoulder. She glanced upward, eyes sparkling as she clasped his fingers, lifting for a kiss to his knuckles. He smiled, brushing across her cheek before turning to Richard. "Colonel Fitzwilliam, the gold

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