In My Arms
felt good to have such a great friend.  Sometimes a girl just needs her best friend…..and a strong drink.
    I got to work early so that I would be in the office first.  It was silly, but I felt like I could handle it better if I was already seated when Trevor came in.
    I was busy organizing my notes that I took yesterday so that I could go over them with Trevor when he set my coffee down next to me.
    I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before looking up at him.  My heart was beating like I’d run a marathon.  “Hi.”  My voice sounded soft and I chastised myself for sounding so wounded.
    “Ava, I’m sorry.”  He looked horrible and I felt bad for being so mean to him.  It wasn’t his fault that I’d thrown myself at him—that he had to stop me.
    “Listen Trevor, I should never have pushed things as far as I did.  I'm really sorry.  It won't happen again.”  I couldn't gauge his mood or what the look he was giving me meant, so I just went back to work.
    “I had a meeting yesterday with the Daniel's group.  I have some notes to go over with you whenever you're ready to get started.”  I heard him sigh, but I didn't look back up.  I didn't want his pity.  This was my issue, and I wasn't going to allow it to affect my work for one more day.  It wasn't his fault I misread the signs, right?
    We jumped right into our work without discussing anything else.  We worked right through lunch before we even realized, and finally sitting back and taking a break, I couldn't believe how hungry I was.
    Trevor was still looking over some information.  His eyebrows were pulled tight together and he was biting on his bottom lip.  I still couldn't help but appreciate him.  He was gorgeous.  His jaw was slightly squared and he had a bit of stubble casting a shadow on his face.  His hair was messy from his hands running through them, but my favorite part of his face was still his eyes.  They were the most interesting shade of green with beautiful golden flecks in them.  They were surrounded by long black eyelashes.
    Almost as if he could hear my thoughts, he raised his eyes and looked right at me. I gasped from being caught staring, but he didn't say anything; he just gave me one of those half smiles of his and closed his folders, stretching. 
    “What do you think about us calling it a day Ava?” It was almost four o'clock anyway.  We had accomplished quite a bit, and I needed to get something to eat.
    “Yeah, that sounds good.”  I stood up and packed up, not looking back up at Trevor, but I could hear him doing the same.
    We walked out together and caught the elevator down.  I wished the tension wasn't there.  Trevor had become someone I'd really enjoyed spending time with, and it pissed me off knowing I was the cause of the tension.  Hell, I was the one who told him I wanted to be friends in the first place, so how could I be upset just because I'd changed my mind, and he no longer felt the same?
    I stepped out into the lobby and turned to say goodbye to Trevor, but I felt his hand on my arm. “Let's go eat Ava.”
    Part of me wanted to say "no thanks" but he looked hopeful, and I couldn't deny that I wanted to go with him anyway.  I just nodded as he led me out onto the street.  The sun was sitting low in the sky and the sidewalk was bustling with people.  Trevor held tight to my arm and kept me close so that we could maneuver through the crowd.  I’m not going to lie, the feel of his hand on my arm still sent chills through me.
    “Are you cold?”  He raised his eyes at me.  I shook my head and gave him a reassuring smile.
     We walked the few blocks to an Italian restaurant.  It was packed already, but we were able to get a table in the back.
    We chatted a bit more about work and some of the new accounts we might be working on, and then Trevor proceeded to tell me about Nick's most recent hook-ups that just so happened to be complete disasters.  He didn't seem to pick his

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