IM02 - Hunters & Prey
words carefully. I didn’t want to say something that might spook her, but I needed to make sure that Lysander understood the warning I was trying to give. “… You know, when I left the house this evening.”
    “You saw him?” Worry strained his voice. “Where is he now? Are you safe?”
    “Not sure. I got away. I’m at a café right now with a friend.” I cringed. I knew he wouldn’t be pleased with me.
    “You’re where?” His tone rose sharply.
    “I’m at Copioh,” I said sweetly, trying to act as innocent as I could. “I’m with my old friend Fallon.” I bit my lip waiting for him to yell and scream. I knew I was in trouble.
    His voice became unexpectedly monotone. “You told a mortal about us, didn’t you?”
    I gulped, and took a deep breath. “I had to do something. He won’t bother me here. Too many people around.”
    “Who won’t bother you?” Fallon asked.
    I waved my hand to stop her from questioning me. I didn’t need to hear it from both sides.
    Fallon let out an impatient sigh and crossed her arms in front of her chest.
    I mouthed the words, “I’ll tell you in a second,” before putting my finger to my lips.
    “Stay where you are,” Lysander said. It was more of an order than a request. “I’m going to discuss this with the rest of the clan. I will call you back at this phone number.”
    Wow, no screaming. He’s taking this a little better than I expected.
    I covered the receiver with my hand. “Fallon, can I use your phone for a bit tonight?”
    Her deep brown eyes locked on me. “Yeah, sure, as long as you tell me what’s going on.”
    I knew I wouldn’t be able to escape the inquisition. This wasn’t going to be a pleasant evening. Letting out an exasperated sigh, I took my hand off of the receiver. “Yeah, Lysander, call me back here.”
    “Okay. I will be back with you shortly. Alyssa, promise me you will stay where you are until I call. Do not do anything more to endanger yourself.” The phone disconnected before I could say good-bye.
    I placed the phone down on the table. “Great, he’s pissed at me.” Pissed for good reason, of course. Out of all the places I chose to hide, I had to pick one where I had mortal friends. There was nothing to be done about that now. I just hoped that Lysander would go easy on me when we did meet up again.
    “What’s going on?” Fallon still had her inquisitive eyes locked on me. “What else haven’t you told me?”
    Round two for the inquisition. Boy, am I getting myself in deep. I cleared my throat, while trying to find the right words to say. “Remember I said I wasn’t supposed to tell people about my kind?”
    She tapped her sandaled foot on the concrete and drummed her fingers against her folded arms. “Yeah. And…”
    “Well, I’m kind of in trouble for that right now. Lysander is pissed.” I lowered my voice to a whisper. “Oh, and I have someone after me.”
    Fallon blinked a few times and shook her head. “Did I just hear that? Someone is after you? Who’s going to go after vampires?”
    “Shhh.” I leaned in closer.
    “Think about it. Who goes after …” — How do I put this?— “people like me?”
    “You mean like…” I saw the proverbial light bulb go on in Fallon’s eyes. “Vampire hunters?”
    “Bingo! “I nodded.
    Realization quickly turned to renewed fear in Fallon’s expression. Her eyes grew wide, pupils dilating, her breath quickened. “Shit! Am I in trouble now too?” She pushed back in her chair. I heard her heart rate jump to a thundering drum beat in her chest.
    “No, I don’t think so.” I shook my head. “If anyone sees you with me, they probably think you’re my…um… Well, you’re probably in more danger from me than them.”
    Fallon stifled a gasp, covering her mouth with her hand. “They think I’m … your dinner, don’t they?”
    “Maybe.” I shrugged and gave her a halfhearted smile. I wanted to look as casual as possible about it. I

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