Ignite (Circle of Light Book 2)

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Book: Ignite (Circle of Light Book 2) by April Margeson Read Free Book Online
Authors: April Margeson
of her life.
    “I can feel everything that someone else is feeling.  Any emotion that they are having at that specific time affects me in the same way that it does them.  The heartbreak has to be the worst of them all.”  She said and I could tell that it was very painful to her by the look on her face as she reminded herself of it.  She went on to explain that she had always been this way.  At least as long as she could remember, but something about that made me think that she was not exactly telling me the whole truth.
    “Do you have any other power?”  I asked her and immediately wished that I hadn’t.
    I didn’t want her to think that her power wasn’t good enough.  I was just curious about her.  More so than I had been of Silas, our new vampire friend.
    “I am also an immortal.”  She replied ducking her head.
    I got a disturbing feeling from her reaction.  Something more was behind her reaction and I wanted to know what it was. 
    “May I ask how?”  I said softly, hoping that she would not take my request as offensive.
    She didn’t seem to mind as she answered me.  She told me that she had killed another girl in a fit of jealous rage.  It had been over a young man that they both had developed an interest in.  Too beat it all, they had been best friends for many years before that. 
    At the time, Maggie didn’t know that her friend was a witch and from the way she told it, that wasn’t something that was accepted in her time.  I didn’t know if it would be accepted in my time either, but no one was going to hang you from a tree or burn you for your beliefs now.  Many people just ignored the existence of things like that.  Like I had, until now.
    They fought and each girl was strong and very skilled in protecting themselves, but Maggie was stronger than the other girl was.  She had delivered an unnecessary blow to her friends head.  It caused some type of damage to her.  The girl died a slow death, but not before placing a curse on Maggie.
    She told me that her friend has cursed her to feel the pain of other people around her for all of eternity.  Only if she could do something good with her power, then could she be stripped of it.  Only to follow with a very slow painful death.
    “I am over two hundred years old.  In this time, the pain is harder to deal with.  There is so much violence in the world now.  So much hate and despair.  So much longing and regret.”  She said clearing her throat.  “I have wished for many years for death to find me, but it hasn’t yet.”
    Her story was depressing and I wanted so much to help her, but I knew that right now wasn’t the time for that.  I believed that she was truly remorseful for taking her friends life over something so simple and petty.
    Maggie did believe in a spirit world.  One in which her friend could watch her as the years passed. Watch her suffering to no ends. 
    Two hundred years seemed like an extreme sentence for the other girl to hold onto.  It seemed to me that her spirit would be suffering as well, but what did I know.  I would have to talk to Eric about this and see if we can help her.
    Maggie s heart was pure.  Good to even the deepest pit of it.  Her soul s aura was white and the only thing that I could think of that would be keeping her in this painful existence was the fact that she had not forgiven herself for what she had done.
    Eric walked back in, interrupting my train of thought for just a second.  I looked at him with sorrow filling me for Maggie.  I was sure that having to feel the pain and torment of everyone that she was around gets to be a very trying and difficult thing to do at times.  I could not help but to respect her strength in handling it the way that she does.
    “What is the matter my Queen?”  Maggie asked as tears welled up in her eyes.
    I didn’t answer her right off.  I wanted to ask Eric if it was possible to travel to the spirit world that Maggie had told me

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