If the Earl Only Knew (The Daring Marriages)

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Book: If the Earl Only Knew (The Daring Marriages) by Amanda Forester Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Forester
spoke with a bit more enthusiasm than an urbane sophisticate should muster. It was clear that Jane was quite in awe of her future husband.
    Sir Richard was a distinguished man at least a decade older than Jane. He bowed before them with perfect form, yet his eyes swept over Kate with disdain. “Pleased to meet you, Lord Darington, Lady Katherine. I hope you had a pleasant journey to London.” He spoke with polished condescension.
    “The voyage was a difficult one. It stormed the entire way,” said Kate, returning his bow with a small obligatory curtsy of her own.
    “Hmmm? Indeed,” said Sir Richard, looking over Kate’s head. He smelled of brandy and perfume. But not Jane’s perfume.
    “I am glad you were able to attend tonight so you could meet my friends,” said Jane, positively glowing at her future husband.
    He smiled indulgently down at her. “Fortunately, my business did not take as long as I had anticipated.”
    There was something in his manner, some bit of a smile about his mouth, as though he was enjoying some sort of secret joke, which Kate did not like. Of course it was not unusual for her to find something to dislike about most men she met. Or most women either. She had a knack for detecting the flaws in her fellow man. It was never much appreciated, so she generally kept her musings about the foibles of others to herself. But in this case, she decided to keep a close watch on the man who was contracted to be Jane’s husband.
    Jane and her future husband went off to dance and he appeared to be attentive, smiling, and for the most part giving her his full attention. Only, once or twice, he made eye contact with another woman across the dance floor. There could have been a benign explanation for such behavior. But Kate, being Kate, doubted it.
    The orchestra struck up a few chords, and Wynbrook turned to her with a polished smile. “Would you care to dance?” he asked politely.
    “I never dance,” returned Kate not quite as politely.
    Wynbrook did not look at all surprised by her reply. “Never learnt, did you? Been away awhile. Understandable.”
    “I did not say I could not dance, only that I would not dance,” clarified Kate.
    “Oh no, you ought not to have said that,” whispered Wynbrook, too close to her ear for comfort. “For now I will take it as a challenge to convince you to stand up with me.”
    Her pulse pounded loudly in the ear where Wynbrook’s teasing words were whispered. Was he attempting some ill-advised flirtation? No, it was not possible. “I trust, then, that you will learn to live with disappointment,” replied Kate coldly.
    “Ho, ho! Such a set down,” said Tristan with a laugh. “There’s a novelty for you—a young lady who doesn’t fall at your feet. Good for you!”
    Wynbrook ignored his brother and changed the subject. “Bit flush of company tonight for this time of the year.”
    “So it is. Early opening of Parliament has brought much company to London at this unseasonable time. The young ladies are out in full bloom,” said Tristan with a laugh, clapping Robert on the back. “You won’t escape their clutches, you know. You’re an earl, no hope for it. Must take a wife, produce an heir, and all that.”
    Robert, who was already looking a bit stricken at having been dragged to a ball, grew a shade paler. His jaw tightened, but otherwise, he made no reply.
    “I see a few mamas have broken with tradition and put out their girls early, before they are formally presented at court,” continued Tristan. “Don’t want the best men snagged before they even get out of the gate.” He gave Robert a sidewise glance. “Of course, you know having the title puts you in the line of fire.”
    “Surely it can’t be as bad as all that,” said Kate, wanting to protect her brother from a fit of apoplexy. Robert had turned from pale to a greenish hue. Strange that he could look into the heart of a storm or the fiercest of enemies without flinching, but put him in

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