If Only We Knew

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Book: If Only We Knew by Ancelli Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ancelli
shaking her head. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. All this time….”
    “It happened once, we were drunk. I told you, and you didn’t react like this then. She’s just my friend.” He said getting up.
    “A friend that you fucked, the one that’s like family.” She laughed sarcastically. “Why tell me now?” She gl ared at him. He saw it in her eyes she’d figured it out. “No, please don’t tell me…her baby…”
    “Yes, he’s mine,” he said, trying to grab her hand.
    “Don’t touch me.”
    “Karen, this happened before we got married. I know that’s no excuse. It was a mistake, but I can’t regret my son.”
    “You can’t regret him…why? I want you to get a blood test.”
    “Karen, I don’t need a blood test. He’s the spitting image of me.”
    “Newborns don’t look like anyone.”
    “This newborn does.”
    “Why didn’t she tell you? I bet she didn’t know who the father was.”
    “She didn’t tell me because of us. She didn’t want what’s happing now to happen. She was going to tell me, but she found out we lost the baby, and then that we couldn’t have children. She didn’t want to hurt you.”
    “Oh, so now it’s my fault? Because I can’t have kids?” she yelled.
    “Karen, I didn’t say that. I’m just trying to explain her intentions. She should have told me the truth from the beginning, but I can’t change the past. He is here now.”
    “Walk away from him.”
    “Karen, how can you ask me to do that? What kind of man would I be to abandon my child? Sorry, but I can’t do that. I love that baby already.”
    “You love him? But you just found out!”
    “Karen, please don’t ask me to choose, please. I care about you, and I know we can work through this. Remember, for better or worse,” Matt said, trying to get closer to her.
    “Get your things and get out!” Karen yelled at him.
    “Karen, don’t do this, we need to talk.”
    “I want you to leave this house.”
    “Karen, I care about you.” He went up the stairs and quickly packed, throwing the first things he could grab into his gym bag.
    Before he walked out of the house, she said . “You walk away from him, or me. Choose.”
    He turned and left, looking back in guilt, but not regret .
    Matt entered the hospital room, looking for the baby. “Where is he?”
    “The nurse took him to nursery to clean him up. What happened? Are you okay?” Shannon leaned up on the bed.
    “I just had to tell my wife, who can’t have a baby, that my friend and I just had one together. How do you think I feel?” He raised his voice, turning away from her, trying to get his emotions in check.
    “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cause you any more problems,” she sighed. “That’s why I never wanted you to know.” She held on to the bed and slid off in pain, head ing to the bathroom.
    “Shannon, I’m sorry. It’s not your fault.” He turned around to face her, but she wasn’t in her bed. He looked around and noticed she’d gone into the bathroom. He walked over to the bathroom door and put his forehead to the wood. He could hear her crying. He felt bad for making her cry, it wasn’t his intention . He hadn’t meant to blame her or accuse her. He knocked on the door and opened it , to see her sitting on the toilet with her hands over her face. He walked over and kneeled down in front of her. “I’m sorry.” He moved her hands. “It’s not your fault.” He wiped her tears.
    “I’m so sorry. This is what I tried to avoid. I don’t want you to feel guilty about him. You don’t have to be involved.”
    “Shannon, he’s my son. He’s everything I’ve wanted and thought was gone.” He leaned forward, hugging her. “Everything is going to be fine. I promise.”
    She whispered, “It’s not…my parents, you, your wife….” She covered her face with her hands. “They all hate me.”
    He rubb ed her back. “I don’t hate you. I may be disappointed, but I can never hate you,

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