Read Online If I Break THE COMPLETE SERIES Bundle by Portia Moore - Free Book Online

Book: If I Break THE COMPLETE SERIES Bundle by Portia Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Portia Moore
Tags: Romance
The thought of wearing it sickens me. In the closet, I find another one that I bought myself. I grab my suitcase. It’s a big one, stuffed full and heavy as hell. Thank God it rolls, or I’d have serious trouble. I drag it out into the hall to the top of the stairs. I turn it on its side and give it a good shove. It stops halfway, so I kick it the rest of the way down.
    At the bottom, I grab the handle and roll it to the door. I look around at what I once thought was a beautiful penthouse, with its huge picture windows, boutique furniture, and state-of-the-art electronics. In my mind though, all I can see now are barred windows and a cold bed—the prison where I remained silent. Well, that’s a lie. I have caused a lot of hell, but nothing unwarranted. I can feel tears forming, and I try to fight them back. I really shouldn’t cry; he’s not worth it.
    Losing the battle, I reach up to wipe away the tears and catch sight of the spectacular ring on my finger. It means nothing. I pull it off and slam it down on the console table next to the door, precisely where he sets his keys when he walks in. At least he won’t be able to miss that.
    Taking a deep breath, I open the door and head to the elevator, pulling my bag behind me. There’s really no need to lock the door. Security here is better than in a Vegas casino, so the chances of the apartment being robbed are slim. Not to mention we’re over ten stories up. I press the button and step back to wait, fidgeting with my hair.
    I don’t even know where I’m going. I mean, the logical place would be my aunt Raven’s, but I’m not sure that’s where I want to go. Instead of showering me with hugs and kisses, she’ll probably shower me with questions and opinions. Questions like, “What’s going on?” and comments like, “You really should talk to him.” I’m not in the mood for that kind of shit right now. Still, I have no plan at this point. I’ll have to figure something out to tell her. I need to think about what I want and what I’m going to do. I’ve been with Cal so long that I can’t remember what it’s like being without him. I’ve wrapped myself up in him, something no woman should do with any man.
    The elevator has arrived. I drag my suitcase in and hit the garage floor button. I hate the way my stomach feels as it’s going down; it reminds me of the butterflies Cal used to give me when we first met. Finally, it stops and the door opens to the parking garage. Cal hates for me to come down here alone, but I always remind him there are cameras everywhere and Jeff, the security guard I’ve just waved at, watches everything like a hawk.
    I head down to our parking spaces and over to the white Audi Cal bought me for my birthday. I remember getting up that morning, being blindfolded and led downstairs. There, I found a jewelry box and opened it to find a beautiful emerald necklace inside. I was so enamored with the necklace that I didn’t notice the car key—though I did wonder why he brought me to the parking garage to give it to me.
    That was one of our good days, just a memory now. There’s no sense in fantasizing about those, dwelling on the past when I live in the present, even if the present is falling short. It’s only been six months since I became Mrs. Scott, and now I think the name is temporary.
    How long do I hold on to those memories when they’re fading further and further away? I pop the trunk on my car, heave my suitcase in, and slam it closed. I take a deep breath as I get into the car and shut the door. I sit for a moment, leaning back and gripping the steering wheel. Suddenly, the enormity of what I’m doing washes over me and I lean forward to rest my head on the steering wheel.
    “What am I going to do now?” I say softly to myself.

“I can’t believe you really considered screwing him.” Angela chuckles as she wipes down the bar.
    We’ve been doing inventory on all the alcohol, our regular routine before the club

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