History of Fire
Stephen. You were withering from your loss. I couldn’t let that happen.”
    Sary’s eyes widened, and her mouth gaped open. Thoroughly confused, she tried to form words with her pretty little mouth, but nothing would come out. Moments later, grasping to control herself, she cleared her throat and let out an agonizingly slow breath. “What do you mean?”
    Ferdinand leaned back into his chair, completely relaxed. His intense study of us eased, and the obvious release of tension receded like a wave in the ocean. It felt easier to breath. He’d stopped probing our shields, glamours and wards. The release made me realize just how much he’d been pushing at my power, leaving me drained.
    “I never meant for you to come here and seek me out, but I knew I’d never get my wish, knowing you’d be stubborn and follow me out here anyway.” He paused, rubbing his chin and looking gloomier. “When I saved your life, I used my magic. You know it’s forbidden, but regardless, you were dying when you lost Stephen. You didn’t want to go on.” He paused, his face straining with the difficulty of explaining the story.
    “To save your life, I drained several faeries. Not to the last drop, but to a point where they were weakened for days. I did nothing treacherous or malicious. All the faeries who gave me their power volunteered to help you. I siphoned it off them and transferred their life forces to bring you back from the depths of a dark, deep depression. That darkness, the lack of love of life, grasped onto you when Stephen died and never let you go. You were dying, and you didn’t fight it off. I couldn’t just let you die. You’re a princess of the Vyn, who have no heir for their throne if you die. And … you’re my sister.”
    Sary’s eyes filled with tears as her lips quivered. Her normally fair complexion turned a deep violent red, which I feared would turn purple if she didn’t take a breath soon. Her memories of Stephen and hearing her brother say his name had hit her hard. She obviously hadn’t prepared to hear such things from her sibling.
    “You siphoned magic to save me? You were never supposed to use that magic … ever. Even to save me.”
    Ferdinand didn’t move, nor did he answer her. The truth was raw in the air between them, and he apparently had nothing to add to it.
    “Why would you do that? Our people can survive without me. You should’ve let me die. I wanted to join my love. Now you’ve left me here in this wretched place without him! I didn’t want to go on. You stole that destiny from me!” Her eyes bulged as the rage poured from her. Streams of tears spilled over her cheeks and dripped down onto her lap, spotting up her pants. A whimper escaped her lips right before she lunged toward Ferdinand, who didn’t so much as flinch.
    Luckily, I knew her intentions before she got too far and yanked her back onto the sofa with a good, firm grip around her waist.
    “Sit down, Sary,” I said, my voice soft and sad.
    I didn’t let go of her even when she struggled and smacked at my arms. She didn’t hurt me, even though she dug her nails into my arm. She probably didn’t know what she was doing except glaring hard at Ferdinand, ignoring me.
    “Why did you do it? It got you nothing but banishment. What good was that? You could’ve let me go in peace. I could’ve been with Stephen.” Her voice trembled and I loosened my grip slightly, hoping her hopelessness meant she wasn’t going to jump out and attack Ferdinand again. We weren’t supposed to touch him. She would know that more than any of us.
    “I told you. You’re my sister, heir to the Vyn throne. I couldn’t let you die. Don’t you get it?” Ferdinand stood up and paced the room. “I’m worthless to our people. Men do not rule the Vyn people, the women do. I have an unusual and deadly power. I’ve killed others, important people, by accident. I can’t touch anyone. Don’t you think I know they’re all afraid of me? Don’t

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