His Saving Grace (Regency Refuge 1)

Read Online His Saving Grace (Regency Refuge 1) by Heather Gray - Free Book Online

Book: His Saving Grace (Regency Refuge 1) by Heather Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Gray
Tags: Historical fiction, Romance & Love Stories
the cynic. I would have continued down that selfsame path until I was an unbearable human being had you not come along and trapped me into marriage when you did."
    "So you're saying I saved you from yourself?"
    Thomas nodded, his arms cradling her. "You saved me from myself and from all the marriage-minded ladies out to ensnare me. In my opinion, that alone deserves the highest honor the crown can award."
    I think this whole marriage mishap might work out after all.

Chapter Seven

    The following day was another long one in the carriage. Thomas's hopes of making it to Castle Felton before nightfall were evaporating as the day wore on, but spending another day with his radiant bride was more than enough compensation.
    "You seem worried," Grace said to him as evening approached.
    "Not worried," he said. "Thoughtful."
    "I shall miss you when you are gone," she said, a shy smile lighting her face.
    Thomas, who was far more used to Gracie acting the outspoken hoyden, gave her a gentle look. "I'll write as often as I’m able."
    "Are we in danger this close to Scotland's border?"
    The change in subject threw him, but he kept pace with her. "Not typically. Raids are mostly a thing of the past. I suppose some of the older generation may continue to stay on alert anyway. Some habits are hard to break, and distrust is one of the hardest."
    "If I write you, how will I know where to direct the letters?"
    "I've given Rupert all the information."
    With an impish grin, she asked, "Because you don't trust me?"
    "You're never going to let me live that down, are you?"
    "Come back alive, and I might be willing to drop it." Her mouth smiled, but her eyes looked worried.
    "I'll do my best."
    "Remind me again when you leave."
    "Tomorrow morning at first light," he replied. Her sharp intake of breath drew his eyes to her face. She paled at his words, and her shining raven coiffure stood in stark contrast to her now colorless face. "It can't be helped."
    "Will you be taking the carriage?" she asked, not saying anything against his planned departure.
    Thomas shook his head and answered, "The carriage, footman, and driver will stay with you. Hero will go with me."
    "Will you be safe traveling alone?"
    Enjoying her concern for his welfare, he said, "I believe so. I'll be meeting up with another gentleman about a day's ride from Castle Felton. From there we'll be traveling on together. Besides, Hero's never let me down when I've been in a tight spot."
    "It's not as common as it once was," she said in reply, "but highwaymen do still roam the rural areas."
    "I'll be armed, and as I told you, Hero is faster than any highwayman's horse." What he didn't say was that carriages were much more vulnerable to highwaymen. He didn't want to worry Grace since they were presently traveling by carriage.
    It was close to midnight when they arrived at Castle Felton. Mr. and Mrs. Pembroke greeted the duke, fatigue in their eyes. Thomas sent them both back to bed and told them he'd see them first thing in the morning. He instructed the footmen to unload Grace's trunks and bring them upstairs to her chambers. To Rupert, he gave orders to see to everything else, including the servants.
    Thomas then stepped back over to the carriage and opened the door through which he'd recently exited. Grace was sound asleep in what looked to be an uncomfortable position on one of the benches. He called her name, but she didn't move. Climbing into the carriage, he gathered her into his arms. Getting back out of the carriage was awkward, but he managed. Then he carried his Gracie into her new home, up the grand staircase, and into her bedchamber. He laid her down on her bed and smoothed the jet-black hair back from her face.
    Withdrawing through the door to his adjoining chamber, he removed his jacket, waistcoat, and cravat before returning to Grace's side to get her settled in for the night. Removing her slippers first, he thought to remove her dress, but wasn't sure how to accomplish

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