His Perfect Lady

Read Online His Perfect Lady by Jenn Langston - Free Book Online

Book: His Perfect Lady by Jenn Langston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenn Langston
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Regency, Historical Romance
caressed her back as his mouth continued to devour her. His heart pounded as if desperate to escape the heat building up within his chest.
    Despite her previous objections, she threw herself into the kiss, encouraging him further. Her hands dove into his hair, ensuring he couldn’t move. His body throbbed as he backed her up against a tree. The need to possess her and end his obsession clouded his mind.
    Sliding his hand up her back to her shoulders, he gripped the delicate material. On the verge of ripping the fabric off her, he stopped and took a few steps away from her tempting body. Looking at her parted swollen lips nearly sent him back to her.
    His breath came in gasps as he surveyed her passion—filled face. Desire suited her well and made him wonder what she’d look like in the throes of passion. Thinking of how her husbands had been privy to the sight denied to him forced him to swallow down a lump of anger. She’d chosen those other men over him.
    “I’m sorry,” he said when he found his voice. “I took that too far.”
    She patted her hair and cleared her voice before responding. “Yes, but I didn’t exactly do anything to discourage you.”
    “Well, I am irresistible.” He shot her his cockiest grin before offering his arm.
    Her laughter washed over him as she accepted his escort. They didn’t speak further as they ventured back to the path and continued on their stroll. All the while her body taunted him with each slight brush against him. The day quickly lost some of its luster as Jonathan could only wish for the night. And Catherine in his bed.
    When they arrived back into a more populated area, he turned to her. Although he hated to leave her, taking her home would cause too much talk.
    “Save me a dance at the next ball,” he whispered as he took her hand and brushed his mouth across the back of her glove.
    She bit her lip and nodded.
    Having what he sought, Jonathan inclined his head and then exited the park without looking back. He’d successfully worn down her resolve, and before long, he’d reap the rewards of his pursuit.
    Catherine sat in the library reading the same page over and over. She couldn’t seem to concentrate on anything other than the kiss she shared with Jonathan yesterday. His purpose of inviting her to Hyde Park still remained unclear, but she couldn’t bring herself to regret her decision to answer his summons.
    Remembering the warmth of his lips on hers, she brought her fingers up to her mouth. He awakened feelings inside of her she thought long dormant.
    “What are you doing here?” Kenneth’s muffled voice demanded.
    Her head shot up, and she glanced around looking for her cousin. He wasn’t in the room, therefore he wasn’t speaking to her.
    “I told you never to contact me here.” Kenneth’s voice cut with anger.
    The response came much too quietly for her to hear.
    “He won’t do it. I tried. Wait, I can’t talk right now. I’ll meet you tonight at the usual place.”
    After a few more barely audible sounds, Catherine heard footsteps. She shook her head at her cousin. Kenneth seemed incapable of keeping himself out of trouble. However this sounded like something worse than a gambling debt. She debated telling her uncle, but she couldn’t approach him without more information.
    “Ah, cousin, I didn’t know you were here.”
    Catherine jumped at Kenneth’s voice. “I didn’t hear you come in.”
    Her heart hammered in her chest. Would he know she heard his whispered conversation? Would he care?
    Kenneth laughed, his face appearing at ease as he sank into a chair, propping his feet up on the center table. “Thinking of what you will wear to Lady Laramie’s ball tonight?”
    “No . . . Well, actually I was.” Her blush came naturally. She hated lying, but he gave her a perfect excuse, and she had no intention of refusing it.
    “Women.” He shook his head. “Are you planning on dressing with the theme? I heard she wanted all the ladies in

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